Ordinary Council: Minutes

28 May 2019                                                                                                                               Page 1














Shire of Esperance


Ordinary Council

Tuesday 28 May 2019





Ordinary Council: Minutes

28 May 2019                                                                                                                               Page 2








No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Esperance for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. The Shire of Esperance disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee meeting does so at that person’s or legal entity’s own risk.


In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or intimation of approval made by a member or officer of the Shire of Esperance during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not to be taken as notice of approval from the Shire of Esperance. The Shire of Esperance warns that anyone who has any application lodged with the Shire of Esperance must obtain and should only rely on written confirmation of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire of Esperance in respect of the application.






Council is committed to a code of conduct and all decisions are based on an honest assessment of the issue, ethical decision-making and personal integrity. Councillors and staff adhere to the statutory requirements to declare financial, proximity and impartiality interests and once declared follow the legislation as required.




Please be advised that in order to save printing and paper costs, all attachments referenced in this paper are available in the original Agenda document for this meeting.



Ordinary Council: Minutes

28 May 2019                                                                                                                               Page 4

Table of Contents / Index


NO.      ITEM HEADING                                                                                                                                                                PAGE


1.         OFFICIAL OPENING   5

2.         ATTENDANCE  5





6.1            Declarations of Financial Interests – Local Government Act Section 5.60a  7

6.2            Declarations of Proximity Interests – Local Government Act Section 5.60b  7

6.3            Declarations of Impartiality Interests – Admin Regulations Section 34c  7



9.         Petitions  9




12.1   External Services  10

12.1.1     Development Application - Telecommunications Infrastructure - Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake  10

12.1.2     Treatment of Organic Waste via 3rd Bin System   14

12.1.3     Nomination for Membership of the Youth Advisory Council 15

12.1.4     Development Area 3 - Counter Offer Received - Lot 81 Synnot Street 15

12.2   Asset Management  15

12.2.1     Disposal of Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus  15

12.2.2     Tanker Jetty Deconstruction Methodology  15

12.2.3     Tanker Jetty Replacement Process  16

12.3   Corporate Resources  16

12.3.1     Financial Services Report - April 2019  16

12.3.2     Lease - Multi Sports Management Committee  17

12.3.3     Reconciliation Action Plan  17

12.3.4     Memorandum of Understanding - Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service - Running Track Training Facility  18

12.3.5     Schedule Fees and Charges 2019/2020  18

12.3.6     Notice of Intention to Impose Differential Rates for the 2019/20 Financial Year 18

12.4   Executive Services  19

12.4.1     WALGA Annual General Meeting and WA Local Government Convention 2019  19

12.4.2     Information Bulletin - April 2019  19

12.4.3     Member Appointments - South Coast Management Group  20

13.      Reports Of Committees  20

13.1      Minutes of Committees

13.2      Bush Fire Advisory Committee - Appointment of Bush Fire Control and Fire Weather Officers

14.      Motions of which Notice has been Given   21


16.      Urgent Business Approved by Decision   21

17.      Matters behind Closed Doors  22

17.1       0200-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Wild Dog Control

17.2       0199-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Professional Services

17.3       0198-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Traffic Management

17.4       0197-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Parks & Reserves Management

17.5       0196-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Workshop Services

17.6       0195-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Building Services

17.7       0194-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Plant Hire

17.8       0205-19 Design & Construct Quarry Road Urban Rural Bush Fire Brigade Facility

17.9       0206-19 Supply, Installation & Repair Tyres

17.10     Expression of Interest 0173-19 Esperance Seafront Caravan Park


19.      CLOSURE  30



Ordinary Council: Minutes

28 May 2019                                                                                                                               Page 8







Ordinary Council Meeting HELD IN Council Chambers ON
28 May 2019.





The Shire President declared the meeting open at 4.00pm


The President welcomed Councillors, staff, guests and members of the public to the meeting.




Cr V Brown                                       President                  Rural Ward

Cr N Bowman                                   Deputy President      Rural Ward

Cr J Parsons                                                                      Town Ward

Cr S McMullen                                                                   Town Ward

Cr S Payne                                                                        Town Ward

Cr L McIntyre                                                                     Town Ward

Cr R Padgurskis                                                                Town Ward

Cr D Piercey, JP                                                                Town Ward

Cr B Parker                                                                        Rural Ward

Shire Officers

Mr W M (Matthew) Scott                   Chief Executive Officer

Mr S Burge                                       Director Corporate Resources

Mr M Walker                                     Director Asset Management

Mr T Sargent                                    Director External Services

Mr R Hindley                                     Manager Strategic Planning & Land Projects

Miss A McArthur                               Administration Officer - Executive Services

Ms P Davies                                     Manager Executive Services


Members of the Public & Press

Mr P Griffiths            Item 12.1.1

Mr P Mayfield            Item 12.1.1

Ms J ODonnell          Item 12.1.1

Dr H McCarthy          Item 8

Ms K Milligan            Item 8

Mrs S Parsons          Observer

Mrs J Archer             Item 8

Ms C Wardel             Item 8

Mr G Johnson           Item 8

Mr K Mills                  Observer

Ms J Burton              Esperance Express

Ms J Mulcock            Item 12.3.3

Mr G Mumford          Item 12.1.1(entered at 4.08pm)

Ms J Obourne           Observer (entered at 4.40pm)






Moved:           Cr McMullen

Seconded:     Cr Piercey




That Council approve the following leave of absence:

Cr Bowman       25 July until 6 August 2019

Cr McIntyre       6 June until 19 June 2019

Cr Parker           1 June until 8 June 2019


F9 - A0


Cr Brown wanted to acknowledge the Esperance Public Library for their recent achievement in receiving a Commendation in the Library Board of Western Australia Award for Innovation and Collaboration category. Cr Brown explained they greatly deserve this recognition for the work they have achieved in providing technology and learning to the community.

Cr Brown announced that the 2015 Bushfire Recovery book is completed and printed. She explained that the book was collated using stories from the 2015 bushfires and the launch of the book will be held next month.

Cr Brown lastly announced that the Shire had received a letter from the Heritage Council of Western Australia, supporting the Detailed Design for the replacement jetty. Cr Brown read aloud the letter:


We received an email from H+H Architects on 30 April 2019 regarding the following proposed development at:

Place Number P0831

Place Name Tanker Jetty, Esperance

Street Address The Esplanade & Norseman Road, Esperance

Development Description Detailed Design Drawings

We received the following architectural drawings prepared by H+H Architects dated 29 April 2019:

A0.1 General Notes & Design Criteria

A1.0 Site Location / Context Plan

A1.1 Interp. Site Location Plan

A2.0 Jetty Section Type 1

A2.1 Jetty Section Type 2A

A2.2 Jetty Section Type 2B

A2.3 Jetty Section Type 3

A2.4 Jetty Section Type 4

A2.4 Jetty Section Type 4

A5.0 Typical Pile Frame Details

A5.1 Typical Hand Rail Details

A5.2 Typical Fishability Details

We also received the following interpretation elements drawings prepared by H+H Architects dated 29 April 2019:

A6.1 Interp. Element 1 – Insert Railway

A6.2 Interp. Element 2 – Fishing Info Panel

A6.3 Interp. Element 3 – Entry Sculpture

A6.4 Interp. Element 4 – Railway Strip Seat

A6.5 Interp. Element 5 – Headstock Seat

A6.6 Interp. Element 6 – Stringer Deck Seat

A6.7a Interp. Element 7 – Huts

A6.7b Interp. Element 7 – Huts

A6.7c Interp. Element 7 – Huts

A6.8 Interp. Element 8 – Fishing Seat

A6.9 Interp. Element 9 – Buffer Stop Seat

A6.10 Interp. Element 10 – Balustrade Signage

A6.11 Interp. Element 11 – Balustrade Signage


As Tanker Jetty, Esperance in in the State Register of Heritage Places, the

proposed development has been considered in the context of its identified cultural

significance and the Heritage Council resolved to advise the Shire of Esperance

that the proposed detailed design and the interpretation elements are supported.

Mr Mumford entered the Chamber at 4.08pm


6.1     Declarations of Financial Interests – Local Government Act Section 5.60a

Cr McMullen declared a financial interest in item 12.3.5 as he as he is a part owner in a recreational gym.

Cr Payne declared a financial interest in item 12.3.5 as she may operate a food van at some point of time.

6.2     Declarations of Proximity Interests – Local Government Act Section 5.60b


6.3     Declarations of Impartiality Interests – Admin Regulations Section 34c

Cr Brown declared an impartiality interest in item 12.2.2 as current contractor for the demolition is a family member.

Cr Brown declared an impartiality interest in item 12.2.3 as current contractor for the demolition is a family member.

Cr Brown declared an impartiality interest in item 12.1.1 as her daughter currently has temporary work at the Esperance Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ECCI) and the landowner is the President of ECCI.

Cr McIntyre declared an impartiality interest in item 12.2.2 as she was formerly married to the current contractor for the demolition.

Cr McIntyre declared an impartiality interest in item 12.2.3 as she was formerly married to the current contractor for the demolition.

Cr Padgurskis declared an impartiality interest in item 12.3.5 as he is a member of the Esperance Golf Club.

Cr Parsons declared an impartiality interest in item 12.3.5 as he is a member of the Esperance Golf Club.

Mr Walker declared an impartiality interest in item 17.10 as he was involved in the development of one of the tenders.

Mr Burge declared an impartiality interest in item 12.3.5 as he is a member of the Esperance Golf Club.

Cr McMullen declared an impartiality interest in item 12.1.1 as he works next door to the landowner.


1.    Ms J ODonnell – Item 12.1.1

Ms ODonnell is the secretary for the Esperance Ratepayers Association and read aloud a question provided to her by a ratepayer. She questioned if people live close to electromagnetic fields such as a telecommunications tower, what is the long term effect on the person or people.

Mr Scott responded that emissions from the proposed telecommunications infrastructure are within current health and safety standards.


1.    Dr H McCarthy on behalf of Local Environmental Action Forum (LEAF)

Dr McCarthy gave a presentation to Council regarding the seismic testing and offshore drilling in the Great Australian Bight. LEAF has grave concerns that if there was to be an oil spill the affects would be catastrophic and would also affect the Recherche Archipelago. The Shire has stated in the Strategic Community Plan that it will protect our natural assets. Dr McCarthy explained that if the Shire of Esperance was to oppose the lease, they would be the second Local Government in Western Australia to do so, the first being the Shire of Ravensthorpe.


Dr McCarthy tabled a letter on behalf of LEAF requesting the Council to oppose seismic testing and offshore drilling in the Great Australian Bight. The letter states:


RE: Request Esperance Shire Council to oppose seismic testing and offshore drilling in the Great Australian Bight


LEAF wish to present our grave concerns to Council regarding the proposed oil and gas exploration in the Great Australian Bight undertake by the Norwegian state company Equinor.


We believe that seismic testing; off shore drilling for oil exploration and the consequent industrialisation in the Great Australian Bight will hold potential detrimental consequences for our marine and coastal environments.

Enacting our Esperance Local Government Coastal Management Plan (2014) as well as the Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027 is now timely.


As a community of concerned residents we want to value and protect our natural environment and recognise the importance of protecting our Recherché Archipelago.

The undersigned signatories request council to pledge in principle support for the other South Australian, Victorian Local Councils and now Ravensthorpe Shire who have joined in opposing Equinor.

2.    Mr P Mayfield – Item 12.1.1

Mr Mayfield explained that he is relying on Council to oppose the development of the telecommunications tower on Downes Street. Mr Mayfield explained that his house would be facing directly towards the tower, and he doesn’t want to walk out of his house and look at a 40m high tower every day. Mr Mayfield believed telecommunications towers should not be near residential areas.

3.    Mr P Griffiths – Item 12.1.1

Mr Griffiths read aloud a statement from Ms H Oldfield, who was unable to attend this meeting. Ms Oldfield’s statement included reasons why the Council should not approve the development for Telecommunication infrastructure. Some of the reasons put forward included the proximity to the Esperance Senior High School and Residential College, the proximity to residential properties, and the affects it could have on the environment and health of closely residing Community members. Ms Oldfield urged Councillors to use their right to reject this development.

Mr Griffiths then added that he had been investigating this issue, and has been in contact with Vision Stream (Telstra’s contractor) who have stated that colocation with current already developed telecommunication sites is possible. Mr Griffiths questioned if there is a reason colocation isn’t happening.

Mr Griffiths mentioned that his property on Downes Street offered tourist accommodation and had between 450-500 people stay at his business last year. Mr Griffiths stated his concern that if the development goes ahead the visual impact could affect his business. Mr Griffiths explained that the planning department needs to have policies in place to better handle telecommunication infrastructure.

Mr Griffiths finished his presentation by stating that the recent international online petition to stop the development of the Telecommunications Infrastructure on Downes St has received around 300 signatures, not including the 30 on the petition he presented to Council in March 2019.

9.       Petitions


Dr McCarthy, Mrs Archer, Ms Wardel, Mr Johnson left the Chamber at 4.27pm and did not return.


Moved:           Cr Bowman

Seconded:     Cr McMullen



That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of the 23 April 2019 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


F9 - A0



Cr Lara McIntyre

6 May       Official Sod Turning

6 May       Murray - After the Official Sod Turning

14 May     Long Term Financial Plan Forum

23 May     Serving at the volunteer lunch

28 May     Tjaltjrarrk Coastal Management project workshop

27 May     Attended flag raising ceremony for reconciliation week

Cr Basil Parker

23 May     Attended the Esperance extension to State Barrier Fence Commencement Ceremony

27 May     Attended flag raising ceremony for reconciliation week

Cr Shelley Payne

10 May     Completed Diploma in Local Government



Cr Natalie Bowman

26 Apr      Esperance Youth Advisory Council youth week celebrations on the foreshore

29 Apr      Phone conference KPMG re black spot programme evaluation

6 May       Turning of the 'sod' Esperance Indoor Stadium

6 May       Attended Activ My Kitchen Rules

13 May     Attended Activ My Kitchen rules

14 May     Long Term Financial Plan Forum

18 May     Gibson Football Club - defib box 

20 May     Attended Activ My Kitchen rules

24 May     Met with Hon Colin de Grussa MLC

Cr Ron Padgurskis

14 May     Long Term Financial Plan Forum

Cr Dale Piercey

17 May     Tor Youth Shed

9 May       Business After Hours at ENAC

21 May     Museum & Visitor Centre Meeting

23 May     Volunteer Luncheon

Cr Victoria Brown

13 Apr      Attended Activ Industries ‘My Kitchen Rules’ Round 2

24 Apr      Met with Hon Rick Mazza MLC

23 Apr      Attended State Barrier Fence Esperance Extension launch at Ravensthorpe with Minister MacTiernan

25 Apr      Attended Anzac Service and laid wreath for the Shire

29 Apr      Attended GEDC board meeting 

30 Apr      Attended Jetty Replacement Detailed Design workshop with Julie de Jong

3 May       Attended GVROC teleconference meeting

6 May       Met with Minister for Sport & Recreation Hon Mick Murray MLA for turning of sod at Indoor Sports Stadium

6 May       Attended Activ Industries ‘My Kitchen Rules’ Round 1

8 May       Met with Esperance Netball Association 

10 May     Attended Seniors’ Concert at the Bijou Theatre

14 May     Long Term Financial Plan Forum

15 May     Chaired Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting

24 May     Met with Hon Colin de Grussa MLC



Ms Milligan left the Chamber at 4.37pm and returned at 4.38pm

Ms Obourne entered the Chamber at 4.40pm.

12.1   External Services

12.1.1       Development Application - Telecommunications Infrastructure - Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake

Officers Recommendation

That Council approve Development Application 10.2018.3995.1 for Telecommunications Infrastructure at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake subject to the following conditions:

1.    Development shall be carried out and fully implemented in accordance with the details indicated on the stamped approved plan(s) unless otherwise required or agreed in writing by the Shire of Esperance (Planning Services).

2.    The development of the telecommunications infrastructure and associated ancillary works and the ongoing use must not cause erosion or degradation of the subject or surrounding land to the satisfaction of the Shire.

3.    During construction stage, adjoining lots are not to be disturbed without the prior written consent of the affected owner(s).

4.    The vehicle crossover is to be constructed, drained and sealed to the satisfaction and specifications of the Shire of Esperance (Asset Management Division) – refer enclosed vehicle crossover application form.

5.    The driveway/accessway shall be constructed and maintained to an all-weather standard (e.g. gravel, crushed rock) to facilitate access to the development by 2 wheel drive vehicles.

6.    The works involved in the implementation of the development must not cause sand drift and/or dust nuisance. In the event that the Shire of Esperance is aware of, or is made aware of, the existence of a dust problem, measures such as installation of sprinklers, use of water tanks, mulching, or other land management systems as appropriate may be required to be installed or implemented within the time and manner directed by the Shire of Esperance (Health Services)

7.    Whilst undertaking site preparation works, all areas of exposed sand must be sufficiently treated against possible sand drift through the use of sprinklers or other suitable means. All sand must be contained on-site to the satisfaction of Council.

8.    All stormwater and drainage run off from all roofed and impervious areas is to be retained on-site to the satisfaction of the Shire of Esperance (Building Services).

9.    The provision of all services, including augmentation of existing services, necessary as a consequence of any proposed development shall be at the cost of the developer and at no cost to the Shire if Esperance

10.  The development hereby approved must not create community safety concerns, or otherwise adversely affect the amenity of the subject locality by reason of (or the appearance or emission of) smoke, fumes, noise, vibration, odour, vapour, dust, waste water, waste products or other pollutants.

11.  The works involved in the implementation of the development must not cause sand drift and/or dust nuisance. In the event that the Shire of Esperance is aware of, or is made aware of, the existence of a dust problem, measures such as installation of sprinklers, use of water tanks, mulching, or other land management systems as appropriate may be required to be installed or implemented to prevent or control dust nuisance, and such measures shall be installed or implemented within the time and manner directed by the Shire of Esperance (Environmental Health Services).

12.  The proposed operations, during and after construction, are required to comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

13.  All fencing must comply with the Shire of Esperance Local law pertaining to Fencing.


AND the following advice notes:

1.   THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT. An application for a building permit is required to be submitted and approved by the Shire of Esperance (Building Services) prior to any works commencing on-site.

2.   The development is to comply with the Building Code of Australia, Building Act 2011, Building Regulations 2012 and the Local Government Act 1995.

3.   It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that building setbacks correspond with the legal description of the land.  This may necessitate re-surveying and re-pegging the site.  The Shire of Esperance will take no responsibility for incorrectly located buildings or structures.

4.   It is the responsibility of the developer to search the title of the property to ascertain the presence of any easements and/or restrictive covenants that may apply.

5.   Horizon Power has requested the Shire to advise Applicants that Horizon Power has certain restrictions regarding the installation of conductive materials near its network assets. Applicants are advised to contact Horizon Power’s Esperance office to ascertain whether any of Horizon Power’s restrictions affect their proposed development.

6.   The developer is to liaise with Shire of Esperance (Statutory Compliance) to determine any requirement for additional approvals for any signage proposed to be erected on site.

7.   Advice should be sought from a Licensed Electrical Contractor as the electricity supply to the premises needs to comply with the Electricity Act 1945, Electricity Regulations 1947.

8.   If the development of the subject of this approval is not substantially commenced within the period of 2 years, or other such period as specified in the approval after the date of determinations, the approval shall lapse and ne of not further effect.

9.   Where the approval has so lapsed, no development shall be carried out without the further approval of the local governments having first been sought and obtained.

10. If an applicant is aggrieved by this determination there is a right of review by the State Administrative Tribunal in accordance with Part 14 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. An application for review must be lodged within 28 days of the determination.



Moved:            Cr Payne

Seconded:       Cr Piercey


That Council lay this matter on the table to get a better outcome for the community.


F3 – A6

(Against Cr Brown, Cr Bowman, Cr Padgurskis,

Cr McIntyre, Cr McMullen & Parsons)

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr McMullen



Council Resolution

That Council approve Development Application 10.2018.3995.1 for Telecommunications Infrastructure at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake subject to the following conditions:

1.    Development shall be carried out and fully implemented (with a circular headframe in lieu triangular headframe) in accordance with the details indicated on the stamped approved plan(s) unless otherwise required or agreed in writing by the Shire of Esperance (Planning Services).

2.    The development of the telecommunications infrastructure and associated ancillary works and the ongoing use must not cause erosion or degradation of the subject or surrounding land to the satisfaction of the Shire.

3.    During construction stage, adjoining lots are not to be disturbed without the prior written consent of the affected owner(s).

4.    The vehicle crossover is to be constructed, drained and sealed to the satisfaction and specifications of the Shire of Esperance (Asset Management Division) – refer enclosed vehicle crossover application form.

5.    The driveway/accessway shall be constructed and maintained to an all-weather standard (e.g. gravel, crushed rock) to facilitate access to the development by 2 wheel drive vehicles.

6.    The works involved in the implementation of the development must not cause sand drift and/or dust nuisance. In the event that the Shire of Esperance is aware of, or is made aware of, the existence of a dust problem, measures such as installation of sprinklers, use of water tanks, mulching, or other land management systems as appropriate may be required to be installed or implemented within the time and manner directed by the Shire of Esperance (Health Services)

7.    Whilst undertaking site preparation works, all areas of exposed sand must be sufficiently treated against possible sand drift through the use of sprinklers or other suitable means. All sand must be contained on-site to the satisfaction of Council.

8.    All stormwater and drainage run off from all roofed and impervious areas is to be retained on-site to the satisfaction of the Shire of Esperance (Building Services).

9.    The provision of all services, including augmentation of existing services, necessary as a consequence of any proposed development shall be at the cost of the developer and at no cost to the Shire if Esperance

10.  The development hereby approved must not create community safety concerns, or otherwise adversely affect the amenity of the subject locality by reason of (or the appearance or emission of) smoke, fumes, noise, vibration, odour, vapour, dust, waste water, waste products or other pollutants.

11.  The works involved in the implementation of the development must not cause sand drift and/or dust nuisance. In the event that the Shire of Esperance is aware of, or is made aware of, the existence of a dust problem, measures such as installation of sprinklers, use of water tanks, mulching, or other land management systems as appropriate may be required to be installed or implemented to prevent or control dust nuisance, and such measures shall be installed or implemented within the time and manner directed by the Shire of Esperance (Environmental Health Services).

12.  The proposed operations, during and after construction, are required to comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

13.  All fencing must comply with the Shire of Esperance Local law pertaining to Fencing.


AND the following advice notes:

1.   THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT. An application for a building permit is required to be submitted and approved by the Shire of Esperance (Building Services) prior to any works commencing on-site.

2.   The development is to comply with the Building Code of Australia, Building Act 2011, Building Regulations 2012 and the Local Government Act 1995.

3.   It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that building setbacks correspond with the legal description of the land.  This may necessitate re-surveying and re-pegging the site.  The Shire of Esperance will take no responsibility for incorrectly located buildings or structures.

4.   It is the responsibility of the developer to search the title of the property to ascertain the presence of any easements and/or restrictive covenants that may apply.

5.   Horizon Power has requested the Shire to advise Applicants that Horizon Power has certain restrictions regarding the installation of conductive materials near its network assets. Applicants are advised to contact Horizon Power’s Esperance office to ascertain whether any of Horizon Power’s restrictions affect their proposed development.

6.   The developer is to liaise with Shire of Esperance (Statutory Compliance) to determine any requirement for additional approvals for any signage proposed to be erected on site.

7.   Advice should be sought from a Licensed Electrical Contractor as the electricity supply to the premises needs to comply with the Electricity Act 1945, Electricity Regulations 1947.

8.   If the development of the subject of this approval is not substantially commenced within the period of 2 years, or other such period as specified in the approval after the date of determinations, the approval shall lapse and ne of not further effect.

9.   Where the approval has so lapsed, no development shall be carried out without the further approval of the local governments having first been sought and obtained.

10. If an applicant is aggrieved by this determination there is a right of review by the State Administrative Tribunal in accordance with Part 14 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. An application for review must be lodged within 28 days of the determination.


F5 – A4

(Against Cr Payne, Cr Piercey, Cr Padgurskis & Cr Parker)

Reason:    Council wanted to ensure the development had a circular head rather than a triangular head.

Mr Griffiths, Mr Mayfield, Mr Mumford, Ms ODonnell & Mr Hindley left the Chamber at 4.46pm.


12.1.2         Treatment of Organic Waste via 3rd Bin System

Moved:           Cr Bowman

Seconded:     Cr McMullen



Council Resolution

That Council direct the CEO to:

1.   Commence planning for the introduction of a 3rd bin system for FOGO waste and processing via composting early in the 20/21 financial year

2.   Actively Pursue grant funding to assist with the required capital outlay, and

3.   Submit applications to The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for works approval. and licences to operate a composting facility.


F9 - A0

Cr Padgurskis left the Chamber at 4.57pm.

Ms Obourne left the Chamber at 4.57pm and did not return.

12.1.3         Nomination for Membership of the Youth Advisory Council

Moved:           Cr Piercey

Seconded:     Cr Parker



That Council appoint Daena Selway to the Shire of Esperance Youth Advisory Council.


F8 - A0


12.1.4         Development Area 3 - Counter Offer Received - Lot 81 Synnot Street

Moved:           Cr Parker

Seconded:     Cr Piercey



That Council reject the counter offer of $6,000 made by Mr Harvey for Lot 81 Synnot St, Sinclair and reiterate the existing Council offer for all lots in this area of $3,000 plus a waiver of the current year’s rates and waste levy.


F8 - A0

 Cr Padgurskis returned to the Chamber at 4.59pm.


12.2   Asset Management

12.2.1         Disposal of Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus

Moved:           Cr Parsons

Seconded:     Cr McMullen



That Council dispose of the Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus to Esperance Care Services Inc. as per the offer of $49,750 Ex GST, via a Public Notice as per section 3.58(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995.


F9 - A0


12.2.2         Tanker Jetty Deconstruction Methodology

Moved:           Cr Parsons

Seconded:     Cr McMullen



Council Resolution

That Council:

1.   Accepts and agrees to the comments from the Heritage Council of Western Australia correspondence dated 2 May 2019 on the Esperance Tanker Jetty deconstruction methodology; and

2.   Allocates funding in the 2019/20 Annual Budget to engage a heritage architect to implement the requested changes in the deconstruction methodology.


F6 – A3

(Against Cr Payne, Cr Piercey & Cr Padgurskis)


12.2.3         Tanker Jetty Replacement Process


Moved:            Cr Piercey

Seconded:       Cr Payne


That Council table this matter for further consideration and discussion.


F2 – A7

(Against Cr Brown, Cr Bowman, Cr Padgurskis,

Cr McIntyre, Cr McMullen, Cr Parsons & Cr Parker)

Moved:           Cr Brown

Seconded:     Cr Bowman




Council Resolution

That Council:

1.   Agrees to and endorses the proposed necessary next steps for progressing the replacement of the Esperance Tanker Jetty, as outlined in the correspondence from the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage, dated 13 May 2019, subject to the Minister for Heritage issuing a Section 64 permit under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 by the 30 June 2019; and

2.   Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute the necessary licences, agreements, requests and other legal instruments necessary to enact the above point, subject to no material impact to the replacement jetty project, endorsed design or budget.


F7 – A2

(Against Cr Payne & Cr Piercey)


12.3   Corporate Resources

12.3.1         Financial Services Report - April 2019

Moved:           Cr Padgurskis

Seconded:     Cr Parker



That the report entitled Monthly Financial Management Report (incorporating the Statement of Financial Activity) for the month of April 2019 as attached be received.


F9 - A0


12.3.2         Lease - Multi Sports Management Committee

Moved:           Cr McMullen

Seconded:     Cr Piercey



That Council, subject to Department of Lands approval, agrees to;

1.   Lease portion of Lot 500 Black Street to Esperance Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee Incorporated;

2.   Term of the lease being 5 years;

3.   Lease preparation fee of $125 Inc GST;

4.   Annual rent being $110 Inc GST; and

5.   Inclusion of a clause to reinforce that vehicle access to the oval and building must only be through official vehicle access gates.


F9 - A0


12.3.3         Reconciliation Action Plan

Moved:           Cr Brown

Seconded:     Cr McMullen



Officers Recommendation

That Council agrees to

1.   Endorse the draft Reconciliation Action Plan; and

2.   Submit the draft Reconciliation Action Plan to Reconciliation Australia for review and endorsement.

Council Resolution

That Council agrees to

1.   Endorse the draft Reconciliation Action Plan as amended; and

2.   Submit the draft Reconciliation Action Plan to Reconciliation Australia for review and endorsement.


F9 - A0

Reason:      Council wanted to add “as amened in the resolution to reflect that there were minor changes made.

Ms Davies left the Chamber at 5.32 and did not return.





12.3.4         Memorandum of Understanding - Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service - Running Track Training Facility

Moved:           Cr Parker

Seconded:     Cr Piercey



Council Resolution

That Council, subject to Department of Lands approval, agrees to;

1.   Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services for portion of Lot 955 Sims Street, Reserve 9677; and

2.   The agreement being on a perpetual basis unless terminated upon mutual agreement between the parties.


F9 - A0

Cr Payne & Cr McMullen declared their financial interests and left the Chamber at 5.34pm.

12.3.5         Schedule Fees and Charges 2019/2020

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman



Council Resolution

That Council endorse the attached Draft Schedule of Fees and Charges to be included within the 2019/2020 budget adoption.


F5 – A2

(Against Cr Padgurskis & Cr Piercey)

Cr Payne & Cr McMullen returned to the Chamber at 5.37pm.

12.3.6         Notice of Intention to Impose Differential Rates for the 2019/20 Financial Year

Moved:           Cr Padgurskis

Seconded:     Cr Parker



Council Resolution

That Council

1.    Endorse the following differential rates across all categories to form the basis of proposed rate setting for the 2019/2020 budget.

Differential Rate Category

Cents in the Dollar

Minimum Rate

GRV Residential



GRV Commercial/Industrial



GRV Vacant



UV Commercial/Industrial



UV Rural



UV Mining



2.    Adopt the objects and reasons for each of the proposed differential rates and minimum payments (as attached).

3.    Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to advertise the differential rate and call for submissions in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, Section 6.36 for a minimum of 21 days.  

4.    Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to seek Ministerial approval under Section 6.33 of the Local Government Act 1995 to impose differential rates for those rates that are more than twice the lowest differential rate.


F9 - A0


12.4   Executive Services

12.4.1         WALGA Annual General Meeting and WA Local Government Convention 2019

Moved:           Cr Brown

Seconded:     Cr Parker



Council Resolution

1.   That Council nominate Councillors Brown and Bowman as the Shire’s Voting Delegates for the WALGA Annual General Meeting to be held in Perth on 7 August 2019.


2.   That Councillor/s Brown, Parker, Bowman & McMullen and the CEO to attend the 2019 Western Australian Local Government Convention held in Perth on 8 and 9 August 2019.



F9 - A0


12.4.2         Information Bulletin - April 2019

Moved:           Cr Bowman

Seconded:     Cr Brown



Council Resolution

That Council accepts the Information Bulletin for April 2019 and;

1.    Register - Delegations Discharge - Corporate Resources

2.    Corporate Performance Report - April 2019

3.    Appreciation Letter - Department of Fire & Emergency Services - Esperance Airport

4.    WALGA - Quarterly Report - Shire of Esperance - January-March 2019


F9 - A0


12.4.3         Member Appointments - South Coast Management Group

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Parsons



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

1.    Appoint _____________ as a Community Member for the Shire of Esperance on the South Coast Management Group Inc until the 2019 Local Government Election.

2.    Request the CEO write to the South Coast Management Group Inc. to advise them of the above appointments.

Council Resolution

That Council lay the matter on the table until the South Coast Management Group has held Special Meeting to determine their restructure.



F9 - A0

Reason:    Council wanted to wait to appoint a community member until South Coast Management has their Special Meeting to determine their restructure.

13.     Reports Of Committees

13.1   Minutes of Committees

Moved:           Cr Bowman

Seconded:     Cr Piercey



Officers Recommendation

That Council receive the following unconfirmed committee minutes:

1.    Esperance Roadwise Committee - 29 April 2019

2.    Off Road Vehicle Working Party - 10 May 2019

Council Resolution

That Council receive the following unconfirmed committee minutes:

1.    Esperance Roadwise Committee - 29 April 2019

2.    Off Road Vehicle Working Party - 10 May 2018


F9 - A0

Reason:      Council corrected the administration error for the Off Road Vehicle Working Party.





13.2     Bush Fire Advisory Committee - Appointment of Bush Fire Control and Fire Weather Officers

Moved:           Cr Bowman

Seconded:     Cr Brown



Council Resolution

That Council authorise the following appointments in accordance with the Bush Fires Act 1954 as Bush Fire Control and Fire Weather Officers for the Shire of Esperance:


          Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                                           Ashley Stewart

          Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                              Gavin Egan

          Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                              Will Carmody

Senior Fire Control Officer – West Zone                             Will Carmody

          Senior Fire Control Officer – West Coast Zone                  Kingsley Scott

          Senior Fire Control Officer – North Zone                            Rory Graham

          Senior Fire Control Officer – East Zone                              Lyndon Mickel

          Senior Fire Control Officer – East Coast Zone                   Simon Fowler

          Senior Fire Control Officer – Urban Rural Zone                 Peter Rowe

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – West Zone                Tomas Carmody

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – West Coast Zone     Peter Luberda

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – North Zone               Chris Hallam

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – East Zone                 Phil Longmire

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – East Coast Zone      Adrian Perks

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – Urban Rural Zone    Ron Chambers



F9 - A0


14.     Motions of which Notice has been Given






16.     Urgent Business Approved by Decision



Mr Mills, Ms Mulcock, Mrs Parsons left the Chamber at 4.50 and did not return.










17.     Matters behind Closed Doors

Moving behind closed doors

Moved:           Cr Bowman

Seconded:     Cr Piercey



That the meeting proceed behind closed doors in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995, to consider the following items, which are considered confidential for the reasons indicated.

17.1   0200-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Wild Dog Control

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.2   0199-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Professional Services

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.3   0198-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Traffic Management

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.4   0197-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Parks & Reserves Management

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.5   0196-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Workshop Services

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.6   0195-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Building Services

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.7   0194-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Plant Hire

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.8   0205-19 Design & Construct Quarry Road Urban Rural Bush Fire Brigade Facility

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.9   0206-19 Supply, Installation & Repair Tyres

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).

17.10 Expression of Interest 0173-19 Esperance Seafront Caravan Park

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).


F9 - A0


en bloc

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman




That Council adopt the Officers Recommendations for the following items:

17.1   0200-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Wild Dog Control

17.2   0199-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Professional Services

17.3   0198-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Traffic Management

17.4   0197-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Parks & Reserves Management

17.5   0196-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Workshop Services

17.6   0195-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Building Services

17.7   0194-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Plant Hire


F8 – A1

(Against Cr Padgurskis)



17.1   0200-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Wild Dog Control

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman


Council Resolution

That Council

1.  Accept the following applicants for appointment to 0200-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel – Wild Dog Control as per the rates detailed in the attachment “Schedule of Rates, conditional upon the applicant’s compliance with the Shire of Esperance Contractor Management System

i.   Animal Pest Management

ii.  CMS Contracting

iii. Esperance Tjaltjraak Services Pty Ltd

iv. Mobile Windmill Service and Maintenance

v.  Terrestrial Ecosystems

2.  Advise all Applicants in their notice of acceptance that the mere existence of a Panel does not compel the Shire to purchase exclusively from such Panel, thus, the Shire reserves the right to purchase equivalent goods and/or services available under the Panel from the open market during the period of which the Panel is established and they make no guarantee that any goods and/or services will be purchased from pre-qualified suppliers on the Panel during the 2019/20 financial year.


F9 - A0






17.2   0199-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Professional Services

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman


Council Resolution

That Council

1.  Accept the following applicants for appointment to 0199-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel – Professional Services as per the rates detailed in the attachment “Schedule of Rates, conditional upon the applicant’s compliance with the Shire of Esperance Contractor Management System

i.   Bluemar Pty Ltd

ii.  BMT WA Pty Ltd

iii. Cardno WA Pty Ltd

iv. Drafting Solutions Australia

v.  Ecoscape Australia Pty Ltd

vi. Ecotones

vii. Esperance Surveys Pty Ltd

viii. Esperance Tjaltjraak Services Pty Ltd

ix. GHEMS Holdings Pty Ltd

x.  Talis Consultants Pty Ltd

xi. Tilo Massenbauer

xii. Triple K Projects T/A Bio Diverse Solutions

xiii. Vision Environment

xiv. Water Technology Pty Ltd

xv.  Wells Building Designers and Consultants

xvi. Wood & Grieve Engineers Limited

2.  Advise all Applicants in their notice of acceptance that the mere existence of a Panel does not compel the Shire to purchase exclusively from such Panel, thus, the Shire reserves the right to purchase equivalent goods and/or services available under the Panel from the open market during the period of which the Panel is established and they make no guarantee that any goods and/or services will be purchased from pre-qualified suppliers on the Panel during the 2019/20 financial year.


F9 - A0







17.3   0198-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Traffic Management

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman


Council Resolution

That Council

1.  Accept the following applicants for appointment to 0198-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel – Traffic Management as per the rates detailed in the attachment “Schedule of Rates, conditional upon the applicant’s compliance with the Shire of Esperance Contractor Management System

i.   Jacka Trenching & Fencing

ii.  Murrpar Pty Ltd T/A MLP Civil

iii. Swan Traffic Management

2.  Advise all Applicants in their notice of acceptance that the mere existence of a Panel does not compel the Shire to purchase exclusively from such Panel, thus, the Shire reserves the right to purchase equivalent goods and/or services available under the Panel from the open market during the period of which the Panel is established and they make no guarantee that any goods and/or services will be purchased from pre-qualified suppliers on the Panel during the 2019/20 financial year.


F9 - A0

17.4   0197-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Parks & Reserves Management

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman



Council Resolution

That Council

1.  Accept the following applicants for appointment to 0197-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel – Parks & Reserves as per the rates detailed in the attachment “Schedule of Rates, conditional upon the applicant’s compliance with the Shire of Esperance Contractor Management System

i.   Activ Foundation Inc

ii.  Ballantyne Earthmoving

iii. Esperance Tjaltjraak Services Pty Ltd

iv. Esperance Tree Lopping

v.  Esperance Turf & Landscape

vi. ETS Vegetation Management

vii. GHEMS Holdings

viii. Key Pest & Weed Control

ix. Mara Crann Pty Ltd

x.  MJ & JL Scheer

xi. MT Constructions

xii. TD Contractors

xiii. The Organic Mechanic Garden Service

xiv. The Weed Terminator

xv. Titan Contracting Australia Pty Ltd

2.  Advise all Applicants in their notice of acceptance that the mere existence of a Panel does not compel the Shire to purchase exclusively from such Panel, thus, the Shire reserves the right to purchase equivalent goods and/or services available under the Panel from the open market during the period of which the Panel is established and they make no guarantee that any goods and/or services will be purchased from pre-qualified suppliers on the Panel during the 2019/20 financial year.


F9 - A0



17.5   0196-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Workshop Services

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman



Council Resolution

That Council

1.  Accept the following applicants for appointment to 0196-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel – Workshop Services as per the rates detailed in the attachment “Schedule of Rates, conditional upon the applicant’s compliance with the Shire of Esperance Contractor Management System

i.   CPC Engineering

ii.  GMN Mechanical

iii. Mike Henley

iv. Southern Suspension & 4x4 Centre

2.  Advise all Applicants in their notice of acceptance that the mere existence of a Panel does not compel the Shire to purchase exclusively from such Panel, thus, the Shire reserves the right to purchase equivalent goods and/or services available under the Panel from the open market during the period of which the Panel is established and they make no guarantee that any goods and/or services will be purchased from pre-qualified suppliers on the Panel during the 2019/20 financial year.


F9 - A0


17.6   0195-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Building Services

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman



Council Resolution

That Council

1.  Accept the following applicants for appointment to 0196-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel – Building Services as per the rates detailed in the attachment “Schedule of Rates, conditional upon the applicant’s compliance with the Shire of Esperance Contractor Management System

i.   Activ Foundation Incorporated

ii.  Bay of Isles Mini Excavators

iii. Bills Doors & Servicing

iv. Cleanaway Pty Ltd

v.  CPC Engineering

vi. Digby Hancey Plumbing & Gas Fitting

vii. Dunn’s Cleaning Service Pty Ltd

viii. Esperance Electrical Service

ix. Esperance Fire Services

x.  Esperance Glass Service Pty Ltd

xi. G & J Wilson Plumbing and Gas Service

xii. Key Pest & Weed Control

xiii. Mackenzies Electrical Service

xiv. MCM Protection Pty Ltd

xv. MT Constructions

xvi. Ratcliff Carpentry T/A CR Carpentry

xvii. South Coast Test and Tag

xviii. TG & SM Pumbing

xix. ThermoAir

xx. Tion Construction and Granite Work

xxi. Trinity Painting & Decorating

xxii. Wayne Herbert

xxiii. Wormald Australia Pty Ltd TA Wormald

xxiv. Esperance Cabinets

2.  Advise all Applicants in their notice of acceptance that the mere existence of a Panel does not compel the Shire to purchase exclusively from such Panel, thus, the Shire reserves the right to purchase equivalent goods and/or services available under the Panel from the open market during the period of which the Panel is established and they make no guarantee that any goods and/or services will be purchased from pre-qualified suppliers on the Panel during the 2019/20 financial year.


F9 - A0


17.7   0194-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Plant Hire

Moved:           Cr McIntyre

Seconded:     Cr Bowman



Council Resolution

That Council

1.  Accept the following applicants for appointment to 0194-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel – Plant Hire as per the rates detailed in the attachment “Schedule of Rates, conditional upon the applicant’s compliance with the Shire of Esperance Contractor Management System

i.    AF&SP Ridgway

ii.   AJ Russell Grader Hire Pty

iii.  Ballantyne Earthmoving

iv.  Conplant Pty Ltd

v.   Esperance Earthworks

vi.  Beachwind Enterprises TA Larmour Earthmoving

vii. Lindsay Burnett Bulldozing Pty Ltd

viii. M&M Rural Transport

ix.  Mara Crann Pty Ltd

x.   McD Contracting

xi.  Murrpar Pty Ltd TA MLP Civil

xii. NC Contracting Group

xiii. Palmer Earthmoving Pty Ltd

xiv. RB & DP Schmitt Bobcat and Truck

xv. Sidetippers Australia

xvi. Stabilised Pavements of Australia Pty Ltd

xvii. TD Contractors

xviii. The Mining Pty Ltd

xix. WJ&V Easton

2.   Advise all Applicants in their notice of acceptance that the mere existence of a Panel does not compel the Shire to purchase exclusively from such Panel, thus, the Shire reserves the right to purchase equivalent goods and/or services available under the Panel from the open market during the period of which the Panel is established and they make no guarantee that any goods and/or services will be purchased from pre-qualified suppliers on the Panel during the 2019/20 financial year.


F9 - A0


17.8   0205-19 Design & Construct Quarry Road Urban Rural Bush Fire Brigade Facility

Moved:           Cr Parker

Seconded:     Cr McMullen



Council Resolution

That Council awards the Request for Tender 0205-19 Design & Construct Quarry Road Urban Rural Bush Fire Brigade Facility to Greg Horan Construction Pty Ltd as per the Lump Sum Price.


F9 - A0


17.9   0206-19 Supply, Installation & Repair Tyres

Moved:           Cr Parsons

Seconded:     Cr McMullen



Council Resolution


That Council awards the Request for Tender 0206-19 Supply, Installation & Repair Tyres to Goodyear & Dunlop Tyres Pty Ltd TA Beaurepaires as per the schedule of rates, for a period of one year with a one-year option to extend subject to satisfactory performance.


F9 - A0

Mr Walker declared his impartiality interest and left the Chamber at 5.58pm.

17.10 Expression of Interest 0173-19 Esperance Seafront Caravan Park

Moved:           Cr Parsons

Seconded:     Cr Piercey



Council Resolution

That Council invite tenders for the lease of the Esperance Seafront Caravan Park from those parties that submitted bids in accordance with Expression of Interest 0173-19.


F9 - A0



Coming from behind closed doors

Moved:           Cr Brown

Seconded:     Cr Bowman



That the meeting come from behind closed doors.


F9 - A0






19.     CLOSURE


The President declared the meeting closed at 6.01pm.





These Minutes were confirmed at a meeting held on _____________________





Signed ________________________________________


Presiding Member at the meeting at which the Minutes were confirmed.

