Ordinary Council: Agenda

28 May 2019                                                                                                                                 Page 1








16 May 2019






Shire of Esperance



Ordinary Council



An Agenda Briefing Session of the Shire of Esperance will be held at Council Chambers on 21 May 2019 commencing at 1pm to brief Council on the matters set out in the attached agenda.


An Ordinary Council meeting of the Shire of Esperance will be held at Council Chambers on 28 May 2019 commencing at 4pm to consider the matters set out in the attached agenda.


W M (Matthew) Scott

Chief Executive Officer


Ordinary Council: Agenda

28 May 2019                                                                                                                                 Page 2









No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Esperance for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. The Shire of Esperance disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee meeting does so at that person’s or legal entity’s own risk.


In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or intimation of approval made by a member or officer of the Shire of Esperance during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not to be taken as notice of approval from the Shire of Esperance. The Shire of Esperance warns that anyone who has any application lodged with the Shire of Esperance must obtain and should only rely on written confirmation of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire of Esperance in respect of the application.






Council is committed to a code of conduct and all decisions are based on an honest assessment of the issue, ethical decision-making and personal integrity. Councillors and staff adhere to the statutory requirements to declare financial, proximity and impartiality interests and once declared follow the legislation as required.




Please be advised that in order to save printing and paper costs, all attachments referenced in this paper are available in the original Agenda document for this meeting.



Ordinary Council: Agenda

28 May 2019                                                                                                                                 Page 3


Shire Logo~Transparent Background.gifDisclosure of Financial, Proximity or Impartiality Interests

Local Government Act 1995 – Section  5.65, 5.70 and 5.71 and Local Government (Administration) Regulation 34C

Agenda Briefing ¨            Ordinary Council Meeting ¨                    Both Meetings  ¨


Name of Person Declaring the Interest:


Position:                                                             Date of Meeting:


This form is provided to enable members and officers to disclose an Interest in the matter in accordance with the regulations of Section 5.65, 5.70 and 5.71 of the Local Government Act and Local Government (Administration) Regulation 34C.


Interest Disclosed


Item No:




Nature of Interest:


Type of Interest:            Financial                  Proximity                Impartiality


Interest Disclosed


Item No:




Nature of Interest:


Type of Interest:            Financial                  Proximity                Impartiality


Interest Disclosed


Item No:




Nature of Interest:


Type of Interest:            Financial                  Proximity                Impartiality



Signature:                                                                   Date:


Office Use Only:

Entered into interest Register:                                            

                                                                          Officer                                          Date





Ordinary Council: Agenda

28 May 2019                                                                                                                                 Page 7


Shire Logo~Transparent Background.gifDeclaration of Interest (Notes for Your Guidance)


A member who has a Financial Interest in any matter to be discussed at a Council or Committee Meeting, which will be attended by the member, must disclose the nature of the interest:

a)  In a written notice given to the Chief Executive Officers before the Meeting or;

b)  At the Meeting, immediately before the matter is discussed.

A member, who makes a disclosure in respect to an interest, must not:

c)  Preside at the part of the Meeting, relation to the matter or;

d)  Participate in, or be present during any discussion or decision-making procedure relative to the matter, unless to the extent that the disclosing member is allowed to do so under Section 5.68 or Section 5.69 of the Local Government Act 1995.

Notes on Financial Interest (For your Guidance)

The following notes are a basic guide for Councillors when they are considering whether they have a Financial Interest in a matter.

1.  A Financial Interest requiring disclosure occurs when a Council decision might advantageously or detrimentally affect the Councillor or a person closely associated with the Councillor and is capable of being measured in money terms. There are expectations in the Local Government Act 1995 but they should not be relied on without advice, unless the situation is very clear.

2.  If a Councillor is a member of an Association (which is a Body Corporate) with not less than 10 members i.e sporting, social, religious ect, and the Councillor is not a holder of office of profit or a guarantor, and has not leased land to or from the club, i.e, if the Councillor is an ordinary member of the Association, the Councillor has a common and not a financial interest in any matter to that Association.

3.  If an interest is shared in common with a significant number of electors and ratepayers, then the obligation to disclose that interest does not arise. Each case need to be considered.

4.  If in doubt declare.

5.  As stated in (b) above, if written notice disclosing the interest has not been given to the Chief Executive Officer before the meeting, then it must be given when the matter arises in the Agenda, and immediately before the matter is discussed.

6.  Ordinarily the disclosing Councillor must leave the meeting room before discussion commences. The only exceptions are:

6.1    Where the Councillor discloses the extent of the interest, and Council carries a motion under s.5.68(1)(b)(ii) of the Local Government Act; or

6.2    Where the Minister allows the Councillor to participate under s.5.69(3) of the Local Government Act, with or without conditions.









Interests Affecting Proximity

1)  For the purposes of this subdivision, a person has a proximity interest in a matter if the matter concerns;

a)       a proposed change to a planning scheme affecting land that adjoins the person’s land;

b)       a proposed change to the zoning or use of land that adjoins the person’s land; or

c)       a proposed development (as defined in section 5.63(5)) of land that adjoins the person’s land.

2)  In this section, land (the proposal land) adjoins a person’s land if;

a)       The proposal land, not being a thoroughfare, has a common boundary with the person’s land;

b)       The proposal land, or any part of it, is directly across a thoroughfare from, the person’s land; or

c)       The proposal land is that part of a thoroughfare that has a common boundary with the person’s land.

3)  In this section a reference to a person’s land is a reference to any land owned by the person or in which the person has any estate or interest.

Interests Affecting Impartiality

Definition:  An interest that would give rise to a reasonable belief that the impartiality of the person having the interest would be adversely affected, but does not include an interest as referred to in Section 5.60 of the ‘Act’.

A member who has an Interest Affecting Impartiality in any matter to be discussed at a Council or Committee Meeting, which will be attended by the member, must disclose the nature of the interest;

a)  In a written notice given to the Chief Executive Officers before the Meeting or;

b)  At the Meeting, immediately before the matter is discussed.

Impact of an Impartiality Closure

There are very different outcomes resulting from disclosing an interest affecting impartiality compared to that of a financial interest. With the declaration of a financial interest, an elected member leaves the room and does not vote.

With the declaration of this new type of interest, the elected member stays in the room, participates in the debate and votes. In effect then, following disclosure of an interest affecting impartiality, the member’s involvement in the Meeting continues as if no interest existed.









Ordinary Council: Agenda

28 May 2019                                                                                                                                 Page 9







1.         OFFICIAL OPENING   11

2.         ATTENDANCE  11





6.1      Declarations of Financial Interests – Local Government Act Section 5.60a  12

6.2      Declarations of Proximity Interests – Local Government Act Section 5.60b  12

6.3      Declarations of Impartiality Interests – Admin Regulations Section 34c  12



9.         Petitions  12




12.1   External Services  13

12.1.1     Development Application - Telecommunications Infrastructure - Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake  13

12.1.2     Treatment of Organic Waste via 3rd Bin System   34

12.1.3     Nomination for Membership of the Youth Advisory Council 38

12.1.4     Development Area 3 - Counter Offer Received - Lot 81 Synnot Street 41

12.2   Asset Management  44

12.2.1    Disposal of Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus  44

12.2.2    Tanker Jetty Deconstruction Methodology  51

12.2.3    Tanker Jetty Replacement Process  58

12.3   Corporate Resources  63

12.3.1     Financial Services Report - April 2019  63

12.3.2     Lease - Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee  106

12.3.3     Reconciliation Action Plan  110

12.3.4     Memorandum of Understanding - Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service - Running Track Training Facility  129

12.3.5     Schedule Fees and Charges 2019/2020  137

12.3.6     Notice of Intention to Impose Differential Rates for the 2019/20 Financial Year 174

12.4         Executive Services  183

12.4.1     WALGA Annual General Meeting and WA Local Government Convention 2019  183

12.4.2     Information Bulletin - April 2019  207

12.4.3    Member Appointments - South Coast Management Group  221

13.      Reports Of Committees  246

13.1   Minutes of Committees  246

13.2   Bush Fire Advisory Committee - Appointment of Bush Fire Control and Fire Weather Officers  259

14.      Motions of which Notice has been Given   270




17.1   0200-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Wild Dog Control 270

17.2   0199-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Professional Services  270

17.3   0198-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Traffic Management 270

17.4   0197-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Parks & Reserves Management 270

17.5   0196-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Workshop Services  271

17.6   0195-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Building Services  271

17.7   0194-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Plant Hire  271

17.8   0205-19 Design & Construct Quarry Road Urban Rural Bush Fire Brigade Facility  271

17.9   0206-19 Supply, Installation & Repair Tyres  271

17.10 Expression of Interest 0173-19 Esperance Seafront Caravan Park  271


19.      CLOSURE  272



Ordinary Council: Agenda

28 May 2019                                                                                                                               Page 21







Ordinary Council Meeting
TO BE HELD IN Council Chambers ON
28 May 2019









Cr V Brown                                      President                  Rural Ward

Cr N Bowman                                  Deputy President     Rural Ward

Cr J Parsons                                                                     Town Ward

Cr S McMullen                                                                  Town Ward

Cr S Payne                                                                       Town Ward

Cr L McIntyre                                                                   Town Ward

Cr R Padgurskis                                                               Town Ward

Cr D Piercey, JP                                                               Town Ward

Cr B Parker                                                                       Rural Ward

Shire Officers

Mr W M (Matthew) Scott                   Chief Executive Officer

Mr S Burge                                       Director Corporate Resources

Mr M Walker                                     Director Asset Management

Mr T Sargent                                    Director External Services

Mr R Hindley                                     Manager Strategic Planning & Land Projects

Miss A McArthur                               Administration Officer – Executive Services


Members of the Public & Press















6.1     Declarations of Financial Interests – Local Government Act Section 5.60a

6.2     Declarations of Proximity Interests – Local Government Act Section 5.60b

6.3     Declarations of Impartiality Interests – Admin Regulations Section 34c











9.       Petitions





That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of the 23 April 2019 be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority





Elected Member Attendance 2018-19



Agenda Briefing Sessions (10)

Ordinary Council Meetings (10)

Special Council Meetings (3)

Annual Electors Meeting (1)

Shire President

Cr Victoria Brown





Deputy President

Cr Natalie Bowman





Cr Lara McIntyre





Cr John Parsons





Cr Ron Padgurskis





Cr Basil Parker





Cr Dale Piercey





Cr Steve McMullen





Cr Shelley Payne







12.1   External Services

Item: 12.1.1

Development Application - Telecommunications Infrastructure - Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake


Richard Hindley

Manager Strategic Planning & Land Projects


Peter Wilks

Senior Planning Officer


Terry Sargent

Director External Services


File Ref: D19/9404



Visionstream Pty Ltd on behalf of Telstra Corp Pty Ltd



Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake


Executive Summary

For Council to consider an application for a Telecommunications Infrastructure located at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council approve development application 10.2018.3995.1 for a Telecommunications Infrastructure at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake subject to conditions.



Visionstream Pty Ltd has been appointed by Telstra Corp Pty Ltd for the development of a Telecommunications Infrastructure at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake. It should be noted that Telstra Corp Pty Ltd will lease the portion of the site of the proposed tower. The site of the proposed tower is approximately 380 metres from residential properties in the Princess Street/Downes Street residential area. The proposed development (Attachment A) includes a 41.4 metre high tower, outdoor cabinets and fencing.

The subject site is a Rural Residential zoned lot, with an area of 3.57ha that is accessed from Downes Street. The site is partially vegetated and features an existing Single Dwelling and ancillary structures which will remain on site.

Under Local Planning Scheme No. 24 (LPS 24), Telecommunications Infrastructure is an ‘A’ use and requires advertising to affected landowners and parties. Public comments were sought in relation to the proposed tower and associated infrastructure with an advertisement in the Esperance Express and referrals to adjoining land owners within 400 metres being undertaken. Five objections were received during the advertising period (Attachment D).

According to the report (Attachment B) provided by Visionstream the facility is to be operated in compliance with the mandatory standard for human exposure to Electromagnetic Emissions (EME) currently the Radio communications standard 2003. The EME report submitted within the application shows that the maximum predicted EME will equate to 0.22% of the maximum allowable exposure limit at a distance of 243 metres from the tower with the amount decreasing with distance to 0.11% at a distance between 400 to 500 metres from the tower. This is substantially less than 1% of the maximum allowable exposure limit. A copy of this report is attached to this report (Attachment C).

Development Application 10.2018.3995.1 for Telecommunications Infrastructure at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake was initially considered by Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 March 2019 where it resolved (O03189-016):


That Council:


1.  Lay Development Application 10.2018.3995.1 on the table.

2.  Invite Visionstream and Telstra to provide a briefing to Council and the community.

3.  Bring the item back to Council for consideration after a briefing to Council and the community has occurred.


As a result of the resolution a meeting was held with interested parties and Telstra on the 17 April 2019.


Officer’s Comment

The proposal is assessed against the relevant criteria of Clause 67 of the Deemed Provisions of the Scheme in the table below.


Cl. 67 Deemed Provisions - Criteria

Officers Response

Compatibility of use / development

The proposed development is proposed within a Rural Residential zone; as such it is an ‘A’ use in the zone and may be approved subject to notification to affected parties and landowners. The area is not developed to a high density, however there are seventeen rural residential properties, two residential properties, part of the Esperance Senior High School reserve and a number of aboriginal and water corporation reserves within 400 metres of the proposed tower location. Due to this low density the proposed use of the site is seen as being compatible with the surrounding area.


Effect on the natural environment

The site is a Rural Residential zoned lot that has been mostly cleared (approximately 80%). As the proposed development represents a maximum area to be cleared of 108m2 on a 35,665m2 block, the environmental impact is minimal.


Preservation of amenity of locality.

The proposed development is located approximately 680 metres from Pink Lake Road, 380 metres from the nearest residential lots along Downes Street and 35 metres from the nearest Rural Residential site on Downes Street.  Eight dwellings are within 300 metres. This proximity means that there will be some impact due to the structure, largely from impact on visual amenity.  

Effect of location, height, bulk, scale, orientation and appearance of proposal

The surrounding land is zoned either Rural Residential or Reserve – Infrastructure and ranges from heavily vegetated and undeveloped, to cleared land and single dwellings. The impact of the height and scale of the development will be minimised due to the relative isolation of the proposed site and the distance from established residential areas, however some properties will still be affected by loss of visual amenity due to proximity to the proposal.

Adequate access, egress, loading, unloading, manoeuvring and parking of vehicles

The applicant will be responsible for the provision of vehicular access to and from the site.

Traffic generated by proposal and effect on traffic flow and safety

Any traffic impacts associated with construction will be of a short-term duration and are not anticipated to adversely impact on the surrounding road network. In the unlikely event that road closure will be required Telstra will apply to the relevant authorities for permission.

Once constructed, the proposal will generate very low levels of traffic due to the infrequent maintenance required by such structures.

Public utilities

The facility will be connected to the Horizon Power network along Downes Street. There are no other service requirements for the facility and there is no waste (water, rubbish etc.) generated by the facility.

Impact on community as a whole

The impact of the development as a whole notwithstanding the impact of the development of particular individuals. Based on this the improved capacity of the 4G mobile network has a positive impact on the wider community through the provision of improved 4G mobile capacity for the Telstra Network


The facility has been strategically sited and designed to minimise visual impact on the surrounding environment as much as practicable, largely through taking advantage of existing vegetation for screening purposes. In this regard the proposal satisfies the requirements of State Planning Policy 5.2 Telecommunications Infrastructure, whilst also addressing deficiencies in phone coverage in the local area.


It is pertinent to address the broad issues as they relate to the assessment of the application




Visual Amenity

Numerous SAT determinations have dismissed this where it has formed a ground of refusal.

EME Radiation

Radiation is controlled by the Australian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Agency (APANSA). Based on their standard the radiation of the tower peaks at 0.22% of 100% of the public safety limit. The Shire has no control over this.

Height of Development

Schedule 1 Clause 35.(b) of Local Planning Scheme No. 24 exempts ‘Telecommunications Infrastructure’ from the height limits of the Scheme except within SCA8. As this proposal is not in SCA8 there is no height limit mandated.

Impact on property value

This is not a valid planning consideration.



It is considered that the proposal will provide an important community benefit by improving 4G capacity over the Esperance Townsite resulting in greatly improved mobile phone coverage within the local area.


It should also be noted that although the application report (Attachment B) supplied identifies the Principal Designated Use of the site as ‘Rural’ as well as the rural nature of the site the application is assessed under its ‘Rural Residential’ zoning and the relevant Scheme provisions.


During the community meeting with Telstra Representatives it was noted that the headframe of the tower can be changed to circular headframe (from the proposed triangular headframe). The circular headframe is considered to have a lesser visual impact although it should be noted that the difference is minor in the context of the 41.4m overall height of the tower and antennas.


If Council wish to pursue this option the first condition in the officer’s recommendation should be amended to read:

Development shall be carried out and fully implemented (with a circular headframe in lieu triangular headframe) in accordance with the details indicated on the stamped approved plan(s) unless otherwise required or agreed in writing by the Shire of Esperance (Planning Services).


Comment was also raised with relation to locating the tower on reserved land, in particular the Water Corporation bore site adjacent the subject site as well a Tjaltjraak managed reserve in the vicinity of the subject site. In the case of reserve land the relevant management body is required to surrender a portion of their reserve and the State will enter into a lease agreement directly with the telecommunications provider. This provides no return to the agency or group that had the management of the reserve and would significantly delay improvements to Esperance’s mobile telecommunications. In the case of the Water Corporation bore site Council are required to assess the proposal as lodged.


A recent “Today Tonight” article dealt with a 25m Optus Tower in the City of Joondalup. The Council refused the development and Optus Mobile Pty Ltd took the matter to the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT). Optus chose to withdrawn the application it should be noted that SAT only determined the withdrawal of the proceedings (DR146/2018). The article also identified that including this application the previous 9 referrals to SAT for Mobile Phone Towers have resulted in the towers being approved. There is no reason to believe this matter could be defended successfully in SAT.



Option 1

That Council approve Development Application 10.2018.3995.1 for Telecommunications Infrastructure at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake subject to conditions.


This is the officer’s recommendation for the reasons outlined in this report.


Option 2

Lay the matter on the table to allow investigation of the collocation of the Telecommunications Infrastructure on Lot 8 Downes Street being the Water Corporation bore site.


This is not a recommended course of action as Council are required to consider the application as lodged by the proponent.


Option 3

That Council refuse Development Application 10.2018.3995.1 for Telecommunications Infrastructure at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake.


This is not a recommended course of action for the reasons outlined in this report.



Five objections to the proposal were received during the referral period that raised concerns regarding the development. The main issues raised and planning responses to those issues are summarised in the table below. Please note the full objections are included as Attachment D.


Objector & Summary of Issues


Lot 5 (87) Downes Street, Pink Lake


·      Visual Amenity

·      Interference with existing Tourism activities on property.

·      Proximity to Dwellings.

·      It is acknowledged that the proposal will have an impact on visual amenity due to its proximity to other Rural Residential properties and the height of the structure. The impact on visual amenity may be ameliorated somewhat by the presence of vegetation in proximity that may partially screen the proposal, but some impact will remain.

·      It is unknown what, if any, impact the proposed telecommunications infrastructure will have on the tourism related activities undertaken on Lot 5 (87) Downes Street, Pink Lake.

Lot 94 (8) Downes Street, Pink Lake


·      Health concerns regarding Electromagnetic Radiation.

·      Proximity to Dwellings.

·      Reduction in Property Values.

·      The applicant has provided an Environmental Electronic Magnetic Radiation Report that indicates that the proposal will only generate at most 0.22% of ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) maximum public exposure limit.

·      It is acknowledged that the proposal will have an impact on visual amenity due to its proximity to other Rural Residential properties and the height of the structure. The impact on visual amenity may be ameliorated somewhat by the presence of vegetation in proximity that may partially screen the proposal, but some impact will remain.

·      Potential impact on property values is not a valid planning consideration.

Lot 16 (97) Downes Street, Pink Lake


·      Proximity to Dwellings and School.

·      Impact on visual amenity.

·      Health concerns.

·      The applicant has provided an Environmental Electronic Magnetic Radiation Report that indicates that the proposal will only generate at most 0.22% of ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) maximum public exposure limit.

·      It is acknowledged that the proposal will have an impact on visual amenity due to its proximity to other Rural Residential properties and the height of the structure. The impact on visual amenity may be ameliorated somewhat by the presence of vegetation in proximity that may partially screen the proposal, but some impact will remain.

Lot 363 (113) Downes Street, Pink Lake


·      Health Concerns/Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation.

·      Impact on character of the area/visual amenity.

·      Reduction in Property Values.


·      The applicant has provided an Environmental Electronic Magnetic Radiation Report that indicates that the proposal will only generate at most 0.22% of ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) maximum public exposure limit.

·      It is acknowledged that the proposal will have an impact on visual amenity due to its proximity to other Rural Residential properties and the height of the structure. The impact on visual amenity may be ameliorated somewhat by the presence of vegetation in proximity that may partially screen the proposal, but some impact will remain.

·      Potential impact on property values is not a valid planning consideration.

Lot 4 Cherry Well Road, Pink Lake

·      Health Concerns/Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation.

·      Impact on character of the area/visual amenity.

·      Reduction in Property Values.

·      The applicant has provided an Environmental Electronic Magnetic Radiation Report that indicates that the proposal will only generate at most 0.22% of ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) maximum public exposure limit.

·      It is acknowledged that the proposal will have an impact on visual amenity due to its proximity to other Rural Residential properties and the height of the structure. The impact on visual amenity may be ameliorated somewhat by the presence of vegetation in proximity that may partially screen the proposal, but some impact will remain.

·      Potential impact on property values is not a valid planning consideration.


Several objections also commented on the ‘inappropriate location’ of the proposed telecommunications infrastructure. Telecommunications Infrastructure is an ‘A’ use under Local Planning Scheme No. 24, ‘A’ meaning that the use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval after giving special notice in accordance with Clause 64 of the Deemed Provisions. As such while the proposal may not meet the objectives of the Rural Residential zone, it is not incompatible with the zone.


It should also be noted that a similar application for a 40m high NBN Tower was refused by the City of Albany. On appeal with the State Administrative Tribunal (2016, WASAT 61) made the following comments:


In relation to impact on visual amenity, the Tribunal determined that the mere fact that part of the proposed development would be visible from various locations did not, of itself, mean that the proposed development would have a negative impact on the visual amenity of the locality. In accordance with State Planning Policy 5.2, factors such as the prominence of the development within the landscape, the extent to which visual aspects of value to the community as a whole might be compromised and the degree to which the development is sympathetic to the surrounding landscape are relevant to this assessment. On the evidence before it, the Tribunal was satisfied that the proposed development would not have an adverse impact on the visual amenity of the locality. There was no dispute that there was a need for effective internet services within the locality and it was determined that the proposed development should be approved.


It should be noted that this was on a lot zoned ‘Rural Residential’ approximately 4 kilometres to the south-west of the Albany town centre.


A similar proposal in the City of Swan (on Rural Residential zoned land) was also reviewed by the State Administrative Tribunal (2016, WASAT 137) with the outcome being the refusal was overturned and approval issued subject to conditions.


Financial Implications

Application fees totalling $480.00 were received as part of this application.


If the development application is refused, either through the proponent taking a deemed refusal due to laying the matter on the table or the development application being refused, there are significant financial risks to the Shire in defencing an appeal at SAT.


Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications

The statutory implications associated with this item are:


·    Planning and Development Act 2005

·    Local Planning Scheme No. 24

·    Telecommunications Act 1997


It should be noted that pursuant to s.211(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2005, a person aggrieved by the failure of a local government to enforce or implement effectively the observance of a local planning scheme may make representation to the Minister. If the Minister considers it appropriate to do so, representation may be referred to the State Administrative Tribunal for its report and recommendation. Following subsequent actions and recommendation by the SAT the Minister may order the local government to do all things considered necessary for enforcing the observance of the Scheme or any provisions of the Scheme.


In this instance it is considered that the Scheme has been enforced effectively.


Policy Implications

The policy implications arising from this report are


·    State Planning Policy 5.2-Telecommunications Infrastructure

·    Local Planning Strategy


Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2012 - 2022

Built Environment

New developments enhance the existing built environment

Facilitate and guide high quality, compliant and efficient building and development across the Shire


Environmental Considerations








Application Report - Under Separate Cover



Electromagnetic Radiation (EME) Report






Officer’s Recommendation

That Council approve Development Application 10.2018.3995.1 for Telecommunications Infrastructure at Lot 100 Downes Street, Pink Lake subject to the following conditions:

1.   Development shall be carried out and fully implemented in accordance with the details indicated on the stamped approved plan(s) unless otherwise required or agreed in writing by the Shire of Esperance (Planning Services).

2.   The development of the telecommunications infrastructure and associated ancillary works and the ongoing use must not cause erosion or degradation of the subject or surrounding land to the satisfaction of the Shire.

3.   During construction stage, adjoining lots are not to be disturbed without the prior written consent of the affected owner(s).

4.   The vehicle crossover is to be constructed, drained and sealed to the satisfaction and specifications of the Shire of Esperance (Asset Management Division) – refer enclosed vehicle crossover application form.

5.   The driveway/accessway shall be constructed and maintained to an all-weather standard (e.g. gravel, crushed rock) to facilitate access to the development by 2 wheel drive vehicles.

6.   The works involved in the implementation of the development must not cause sand drift and/or dust nuisance. In the event that the Shire of Esperance is aware of, or is made aware of, the existence of a dust problem, measures such as installation of sprinklers, use of water tanks, mulching, or other land management systems as appropriate may be required to be installed or implemented within the time and manner directed by the Shire of Esperance (Health Services)

7.   Whilst undertaking site preparation works, all areas of exposed sand must be sufficiently treated against possible sand drift through the use of sprinklers or other suitable means. All sand must be contained on-site to the satisfaction of Council.

8.   All stormwater and drainage run off from all roofed and impervious areas is to be retained on-site to the satisfaction of the Shire of Esperance (Building Services).

9.   The provision of all services, including augmentation of existing services, necessary as a consequence of any proposed development shall be at the cost of the developer and at no cost to the Shire if Esperance

10. The development hereby approved must not create community safety concerns, or otherwise adversely affect the amenity of the subject locality by reason of (or the appearance or emission of) smoke, fumes, noise, vibration, odour, vapour, dust, waste water, waste products or other pollutants.

11. The works involved in the implementation of the development must not cause sand drift and/or dust nuisance. In the event that the Shire of Esperance is aware of, or is made aware of, the existence of a dust problem, measures such as installation of sprinklers, use of water tanks, mulching, or other land management systems as appropriate may be required to be installed or implemented to prevent or control dust nuisance, and such measures shall be installed or implemented within the time and manner directed by the Shire of Esperance (Environmental Health Services).

12. The proposed operations, during and after construction, are required to comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

13. All fencing must comply with the Shire of Esperance Local law pertaining to Fencing.


AND the following advice notes:

1.   THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT. An application for a building permit is required to be submitted and approved by the Shire of Esperance (Building Services) prior to any works commencing on-site.

2.   The development is to comply with the Building Code of Australia, Building Act 2011, Building Regulations 2012 and the Local Government Act 1995.

3.   It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that building setbacks correspond with the legal description of the land.  This may necessitate re-surveying and re-pegging the site.  The Shire of Esperance will take no responsibility for incorrectly located buildings or structures.

4.   It is the responsibility of the developer to search the title of the property to ascertain the presence of any easements and/or restrictive covenants that may apply.

5.   Horizon Power has requested the Shire to advise Applicants that Horizon Power has certain restrictions regarding the installation of conductive materials near its network assets. Applicants are advised to contact Horizon Power’s Esperance office to ascertain whether any of Horizon Power’s restrictions affect their proposed development.

6.   The developer is to liaise with Shire of Esperance (Statutory Compliance) to determine any requirement for additional approvals for any signage proposed to be erected on site.

7.   Advice should be sought from a Licensed Electrical Contractor as the electricity supply to the premises needs to comply with the Electricity Act 1945, Electricity Regulations 1947.

8.   If the development of the subject of this approval is not substantially commenced within the period of 2 years, or other such period as specified in the approval after the date of determinations, the approval shall lapse and ne of not further effect.

9.   Where the approval has so lapsed, no development shall be carried out without the further approval of the local governments having first been sought and obtained.

10. If an applicant is aggrieved by this determination there is a right of review by the State Administrative Tribunal in accordance with Part 14 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. An application for review must be lodged within 28 days of the determination.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


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Item: 12.1.2  

Treatment of Organic Waste via 3rd Bin System


Scott McKenzie

Manager Council Enterprises


Terry Sargent

Director External Services


File Ref: D19/11017






Not applicable


Executive Summary

To allow Council to make an informed decision regarding the possible introduction of a 3rd kerbside bin system and the processing of organic waste to increase the diversion of MSW waste to approximately 51%.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council Direct the CEO to:

1.   Commence planning for the introduction of a 3rd bin system for FOGO waste and processing via composting early in the 20/21 financial year

2.   Actively pursue grant funding to assist with the required capital outlay, and

3.   Submit applications to The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for works approval. and licences to operate a composting facility.



The Shire has, for a number of years, been undertaking research and planning with regard to the potential to improve our current waste management practices in order to achieve more sustainable outcomes.  A range of reports and studies have been prepared to assist in determining the most viable and feasible options to meet the communities and future waste management needs. 


A key decision making document is the Shire’s Strategic Waste Management Options Report which was originally developed in 2013 and updated in 2016.  A key recommendation was that the Shire further progress an organics recycling program to increase the diversion of waste from landfill.


Another key decision making document is the Community Waste Strategy 2018-2023 which sets waste diversion targets with the aim of improving the rate of diversion of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from landfill from the current 19% to 45% by 2020 and 55% by 2025.


Prior to the publication of the Community Waste Strategy 2018-2023, the Shire released an Expression of Interest (EOI) inviting organisations to propose resource recovery initiative or options that could be feasibly adopted by the Shire to help us achieve our landfill diversion targets.  Unfortunately, there was not an organization able to provide this option, and so Council chose to terminate this process, finalise the Community Waste Strategy and develop a Business Case and Implementation Plan (The Business Case) for the processing or organic waste via composting.


The EOI process also highlighted that waste to energy options for Esperance’s volume and composition of waste is not currently viable.


The Business Case has been prepared to gain an understanding of how an organics service could function along with identifying the associated risks, opportunities and costs.


The WA State Government recently released the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (WARR Strategy) as an update to the State Waste Strategy 2012.  The WARR Strategy includes a strategy for ‘a consistent three bin kerbside collection system, which includes separation of food organics and garden organics (FOGO) from other waste categories, to be provided by all local governments in the Perth and Peel region by 2025’. 


The WARR Strategy also includes a diversion from landfill target for major regional centres of 50% for MSW by 2020 and 55% by 2025.  These two targets are very close to the Shire’s previously adopted Community Waste Strategy.  Esperance is not defined as a “Major Regional Centre” within the WARR Strategy, however that is no reason to disregard those targets.


There are numerous examples of regional and larger Shire’s successfully undertaking FOGO recovery via composting within the Business Case and Implementation Plan report.


Officer’s Comment

The Business Case has been prepared in order to give Council enough information on the viability of the process to make a decision to continue planning for the introduction of a FOGO service for Esperance.  There is still a significant amount of work required in obtaining grants, works approval and licences, environmental investigations and siting.


The Business Case highlights that the approximate cost of landfill is $100 per tonne and the estimated net cost to process organics via composting is $90 per tonne.  The introduction of a FOGO system is expected to increase the diversion of MSW in Esperance from 19% to 51% (an additional 3,504 tonnes per annum diverted from landfill), therefore meeting the self-imposed target for 2020.


The intention is for Council to commit to planning for the introduction of a FOGO service within the 2020/21 financial year, and, unless there is a fatal flaw identified, undertake planning and design works and source grant funds during the 2019/20 financial year.


The recommendation within the Business Plan is for a FOGO service that includes the following;

·     Residential households and commercial households,

·     FOGO collections on a weekly basis and refuse/recycling on an alternate fortnightly basis,

·     Organics processed by either an aerated static pile or in-vessel composting system,

·     Converting all bin lids to the Australian Standard colours (Recycling – Yellow, FOGO – Lime Green and Residual Waste – Red),


Further details regarding bin sizes, location of the facility, opt in or mandatory 3rd bin etc would be determined throughout the planning stages in consultation with Council and the community. 



Community Waste Acton Group

Internal Managers




Financial Implications

In order to provide the required staff resources to undertake the required planning, design, grant funding and licence approval works it is intended to redeploy the Waste Management Supervisor into a project management role and backfill her position with a casual general hand from 1st July 2019. This cost will be largely off-set by efficiency gains that have already been introduced


Going forward, the start-up costs with regard to composting FOGO waste have been estimated by staff to be up to approximately $1.5M. The instigation of a FOGO Composting system is currently included within the Long Term Financial Plan, however this allocation is $600,000.


Over the next twelve months, staff will be investigating the likelihood of grant funding from Building Better Regions and the Community and Industry Engagement program, amongst others to lower the net cost of implementing composting.


There is expected to be a cost impact on the Long Term Financial Plan, however with so many variables involved, the exact impact is yet to be determined.


Asset Management Implications

Nil at present.  Information relating to asset management implications will be presented to Council during the decision making process when there are asset management implications.


Statutory Implications

The introduction of a composting facility that composts greater than 1,000 tonnes per annum would require a works approval and licence from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.  The Shire would also need to undergo a tender process for any expenditure over $150,000 as per the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996.


Policy Implications



Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Natural Environment

A community that empowered and motivated to minimise waste

N3 Targeted reduction of waste with an emphasis on resource recovery and waste minimisation


Corporate Business Plan 2017/2018 – 2020/2021

N3.1 Manage Waste and Recycling Services


Environmental Considerations

There are many positive environmental benefits involved in composting FOGO waste including the following;

·     Diversion of approximately 3,504 tonnes per annum of waste from landfill,

·     A reduction in methane production from the landfill,

·     Reduced volume and complexity of leachate,

·     Reintroduction of nutrients into the local area that would otherwise have been landfilled, and

·     Generating a useful product from FOGO waste.




Organics Business Case and Implementation Plan - Under Separate Cover



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council direct the CEO to:

1.   Commence planning for the introduction of a 3rd bin system for FOGO waste and processing via composting early in the 20/21 financial year

2.   Actively Pursue grant funding to assist with the required capital outlay, and

3.   Submit applications to The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for works approval and licences to operate a composting facility.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


Ordinary Council: Agenda

28 May 2019                                                                                                                               Page 38


Item: 12.1.3  

Nomination for Membership of the Youth Advisory Council


Trevor Ayers

Manager Community & Economic Development


Terry Sargent

Director External Services


File Ref: D19/11291



Daena Selway





Executive Summary

Following the Youth Week event held towards the end of April, a nomination to join the Youth Advisory Council was received. There is currently opportunity on the committee to accommodate this.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council appoint Daena Selway to the Youth Advisory Council.



The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) most recently ran an event in late April celebrating Youth Week. This was held at the Skate Park and included Escare and Esperance Scouts as partners. The even was well attended.

There has been a reasonable turnover of members on the committee due to tertiary education and training requirements taking a number of them out of Esperance, which is expected to be ongoing given the target ages of between 12 and 25. Sarsby Martin tendered her resignation in the last couple of weeks as she has relocated to Perth to pursue tertiary education opportunities.

Following the two appointees to the committee at the last Ordinary Council Meeting (and allowing for the recent resignation) the Youth Advisory Council currently consists of:

Ellen Timmins (Chair), Dana Sharpe (Deputy-Chair), Maddilyn McGrinder, Esther Bell, Hannah Lauritsen, Lucy Hart, Eloise Lochowicz Dean Bonnet, Greta Lauritsen and Hayden McDonald. Cr McMullen and Cr McIntyre (as deputy) are the elected member representative’s.


Officer’s Comment

The application by Daena will assist in keeping YAC membership numbers at a viable level. It will still leave four positions unfilled in the event that further nominations are received.


The committee has been becoming more active in recent times and ensuring that membership numbers are maintained is important in this continuing.



The nomination has been discussed with existing YAC members and the Coordinator Community Development and Events, with Daena being invited the most recent informal YAC meeting, held following the Youth Week event.



Financial Implications



Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications

The statutory implications associated with this item are contained within s5.8-5.18 of the Local Government Act 1995.


Policy Implications



Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Connection

A resilient and proactive youth community

Increase participation and engagement of youth in the community


Environmental Considerations





Nomination - Youth Advisory Council - Daena Selway



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council appoint Daena Selway to the Shire of Esperance Youth Advisory Council.

Voting Requirement                       Absolute Majority


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 Item: 12.1.4  

Development Area 3 - Counter Offer Received - Lot 81 Synnot Street


Trevor Ayers

Manager Community & Economic Development


Terry Sargent

Director External Services


File Ref: D19/11642



Mr D Harvey




Executive Summary

Following the offer by Council to purchase lots within Development Area 3, a counter offer has been received from Mr Harvey with regards to Lot 81 Synnot St.

Recommendation in Brief

That Council reject the counter offer of $6,000 made by Mr Harvey for Lot 81 Synnot St, Sinclair and reiterate the existing Council offer for all lots in this area of $3,000 plus a waiver of the current year’s rates and waste levy.





At the December 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting the following the following was resolved:

4.  Requests the Chief Executive Officer to write to all remaining private owners of land within Development Area 3.

a.    reiterating the Council’s preparedness to purchase lots within this area for $3,000 plus a waiver of the current years rates and waste levy; and

b.    offering the opportunity to discuss the necessary steps to develop this land in the event that the landowner would prefer to participate in a development proposal.

Since that date fifteen (17) lots have been purchased for the consideration offered. This leaves nineteen (25) lots still owned privately within Development Area 3 (including the lot owned by Mr  Harvey).

Mr Harvey, the owner of Lot 81 Synnot Street has made a counter offer of $6,000 for his lot (see attached).

Officer’s Comment

While the Shire of Esperance can sympathise with the position of the applicant, Council’s current position is quite straight forward and the offer made has already been accepted by a significant number of other parties, with the most recent acceptance of this offer settling last month. Should Council now accept a counter-offer at a considerably higher price than the settlements that have already been undertaken it creates potential conflict with both those people that have recently settled, along with all those people who are yet to respond to the offer that has been made.

Additionally, there is no expectation of a short to medium term value to Council from these transactions and no guarantee of a positive return even in the long-term. The existing offer has been made purely to provide people who are looking to exit their landholdings in this area an avenue to do so. Effectively any purchase has a negative financial impact on Council as it also removes the purchased property from the rates roll.

Currently there are still 17 separate private owners, who between them own 25 lots, with a number of these still yet to respond to the communication from late 2016. Due to this any opportunity to reconsider the sub-division design of this area appears to still be a long time into the future.




Financial Implications

Any transaction will occur in the new financial year, with funds being budgeted in that financial year.


Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications

Acquisition of land is covered in section 5.39 of the Local Government Act 1995.

Policy Implications

The policy implications arising from this report are contained within the Public Land Asset Strategy Policy.

Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Leadership

A financially sustainable and supportive organisation achieving operational excellence

Provide responsible resource and planning management for now and the future

Environmental Considerations




Counter Offer - Confidential



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council reject the counter offer of $6,000 made by Mr Harvey for Lot 81 Synnot St, Sinclair and reiterate the existing Council offer for all lots in this area of $3,000 plus a waiver of the current year’s rates and waste levy.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


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28 May 2019                                                                                                                               Page 44


12.2   Asset Management

Item: 12.2.1  

Disposal of Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus


Mathew Walker

Director Asset Management


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


File Ref: D19/9480



Esperance Care Services Inc.





Executive Summary

For Council to consider disposal of a 2018 Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus to Esperance Care Services.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council dispose of the Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus to Esperance Care Services Inc. as per the offer of $49,750 Ex GST, via a Public Notice as per section 3.58(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995.



Esperance Home Care is in the process of replacing one of its buses as part of the replacement process the officers need to dispose of the old 2018 Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus. The bus no longer suits the functional requirements of Esperance Home Care. Esperance Care Services Inc. approached the Shire after hearing there may be a possibility to acquire the HiAce as it would suit their needs, please see attachment A.


Officer’s Comment

Officers considered the request from Esperance Care Services and thought that it had a substantial community benefit; as set out in attachment A.  Given these reasons officers thought it was worth Council to consider disposing of the 2018 Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus directly to Esperance Care Services via a public notice.


As part of the process for disposing property via a public notice a licensed valuation was obtained, see attachment D, and an offer received from Esperance Care Services, attachment C. Officers are comfortable that given the licensed valuation and offer are the same that the disposal of property is a fair trade and would recommend to Council dispose of the Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus directly to Esperance Care Services.


Should there be concerns regarding the proposed disposal, the public notice process will allow community members to make a submission on the proposed transaction, which is not final until Council has had an opportunity to considered any submission received via this process.  



Esperance Care Services




Financial Implications

The Shire has received a licenced valuation for the Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus of $49,750 Ex GST see attachment D. Esperance Care Services Inc. have offered $49,750 Ex GST for the Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus see attachment C.


Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications

Section 3.58 Disposal of Property, Local Government Act 1995


Policy Implications



Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Connection

Active and growing volunteers and community groups that facilitate and support activities, bringing the community together

encourage and support volunteers and community groups


Corporate Business Plan 2017/2018 – 2020/2021

L2 Provide responsible resource and planning management for now and the future

L2.2 Manage Shire Fleet


Environmental Considerations





Esperance Care Services - Request to Purchase Toyota HiAce Bus



Shire of Esperance - Response to Request to Purchase Toyota HiAce Bus



Esperance Care Services - Offer to Purchase Toyota HiAce Bus



licenced Valuation - 2018 Hiace Commuter Bus



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council dispose of the Toyota HiAce Commuter Bus to Esperance Care Services Inc. as per the offer of $49,750 Ex GST, via a Public Notice as per section 3.58(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


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Item: 12.2.2  

Tanker Jetty Deconstruction Methodology


Mathew Walker

Director Asset Management


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


File Ref: D19/11710






Esperance Tanker Jetty


Executive Summary

For Council to consider the advice from the Heritage Council of WA on the Tanker Jetty deconstruction methodology.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council:

1.   Accepts and agrees to the comments from the Heritage Council of Western Australia correspondence dated 2 May 2019 on the Esperance Tanker Jetty deconstruction methodology; and

2.   Allocates funding in the 2019/20 Annual Budget to engage a heritage architect to implement the requested changes in the deconstruction methodology.



Council awarded a contract, 0006-16 Esperance Tanker Jetty Demolition, to Crossview Enterprises at a Special Council Meeting on the 8th November 2016. Due to the Stop Work Order and subsequent Conservation Order, works under the contract were not able to be undertaken. The Shire’s lawyers have confirmed that there is still a valid contract and there is no need to re-tender the works, please see advice in attachment A. In the Heritage Council of WA’s advice to the Shire on the Final Concept Design of the Replacement Jetty, the Heritage Council requested that a demolition methodology be provided detailing how maximum lengths of timber and significant markings would be salvaged. See attachment B.


At the request of the Heritage Council, an updated deconstruction methodology was requested and provided from the deconstruction contractor, see attachment C. This methodology was then reviewed by H+H Architects and a Heritage Impact Statement produced, see attachment D. Advice on the deconstruction methodology was then sought from the Heritage Council of WA at their April Council meeting, the advice received is included in attachment E.


Officer’s Comment

The Shire has received formal advice on the deconstruction methodology. The comments from the Heritage Council are:


Comment 1:

The deconstruction methodology should be refined with the following recommended revisions to reduce the risk of unnecessary movement and damage to adjoining elements.


The comments to refine the mythology are reasonable and the methodology should be updated to reflect the requested trial of separating the concrete and the deck and cutting fixings to the stringer. These refinements should be also included in the watching brief for the heritage architect.  


Comment 2:


A watching brief should be developed so that the heritage architect is available to provide heritage advice when the deconstruction works are being undertaken. The watching brief should allow for the heritage architect to provide direct advice on prioritising elements during the works.


The watching brief by a heritage architect will help the Shire maximise the amount and quality of salvaged material from the Tanker Jetty and will also be able to provide heritage advice during the deconstruction. The watching brief will also be crucial in implementing comments 1 and 3 from the Heritage Council.


Comment 3:

A recording of the deconstruction works should be undertaken by the heritage architect. This should capture events and decisions made during deconstruction works.


Recording of the deconstruction works has always been a requirement of the Heritage Council in previous advice received regarding the deconstruction. The engagement of a heritage architect to undertake this work will ensure the events and decisions made during the deconstruction will be recorded to a high standard.


Given these are the only comments from the Heritage Council; it is recommended that Council accept the advice to enable the deconstruction to commence. H+H Architects were requested to provide a proposal and fee estimate on the watching brief to be undertaken by a heritage architect.



Crossview Enterprises

H+H Architects

Heritage Council of WA


Financial Implications

The additional work of the watching brief by a heritage architect is expected to cost in the vicinity of $40,000 - $50,000. See attachment F, fee proposal from H+H Architects.


Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications



Policy Implications



Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Built Environment

Sustainable, high quality assets which meet the needs of the community

Maintain the Shire’s robust asset management practices and maintenance programs

Corporate Business Plan 2018/2019 – 2021/2022

B5.6 Manage Tanker Jetty


Environmental Considerations





Legal Advice - Demolition Tender - Confidential



Correspondence - Heritage Council - Final Concept Design



Crossview Enterprises - Deconstruction Methodology - Confidential



Heritage Impact Statement - Deconstruction Methodology - Confidential



Correspondence - Heritage Council - Deconstruction Methodology



H+H Architects Architects - Watching Brief Fee Estimate - Confidential




Officer’s Recommendation

That Council:

1.   Accepts and agrees to the comments from the Heritage Council of Western Australia correspondence dated 2 May 2019 on the Esperance Tanker Jetty deconstruction methodology; and

2.   Allocates funding in the 2019/20 Annual Budget to engage a heritage architect to implement the requested changes in the deconstruction methodology.

Voting Requirement                       Absolute Majority


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Item: 12.2.3  

Tanker Jetty Replacement Process


Mathew Walker

Director Asset Management


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


File Ref: D19/11869








Executive Summary

For Council to consider the Tanker Jetty Replacement process set out by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and to consider delegating the required actions to the CEO subject to the Minister for Heritage issuing a Section 64 permit under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990


Recommendation in Brief

That Council:

1.   Agrees to and endorses the proposed necessary next steps for progressing the replacement of the Esperance Tanker Jetty, as outlined in the correspondence from the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage, dated 13 May 2019, subject to the Minister for Heritage issuing a Section 64 permit under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 by the 30 June 2019; and

2.   Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute the necessary licences, agreements, requests and other legal instruments necessary to enact the above point, subject to no material impact to the replacement jetty project, endorsed design or budget.



Since a Conservation Order was placed on the Jetty on the 19th December 2016, the Shire has been working to satisfy the requirements to construct a new jetty set out by the Minister of Heritage. These requirements include a design that is supported by the Heritage Council of WA, Esperance and wider community and funding for the new Jetty. These requirements have now largely been met, with funding announced from Building Better Regions Fund, the public survey of the Draft Concept Design and support from the Heritage Council of WA for the final concept design.


The Shire President, CEO and Heritage Architect met with various State Government Departments and Agencies at the Minister for Heritage’s office on the 12th April 2019 to discuss the required steps to move forward on the Jetty Project. An agreed process was reached between all parties on the next steps (subject to Council’s endorsement) to provide a jetty for the Esperance Community; now documented in the letter from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, see attachment A. During the meeting Shire representatives were advised that due to recent legislative changes, ownership of the Tanker Jetty has now been clarified, with Southern Ports being the responsible agency.


Officer’s Comment

The agreed process by the relevant State Government departments and agencies is set out in the letter from Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. The steps are reliant on a Section 64 Permit under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 being issued by the Minister for Heritage, which will enable the Shire to undertake the deconstruction and construction works.


Essentially, there are four general requirements that the Shire is required to agree to:


·     The Shire agrees to the transfer of ownership of the Tanker Jetty from Southern Ports to the Shire. This will enable the Shire to have ownership of all material salvaged from the Tanker Jetty. This will resolve any ownership concerns and enable the Shire to use the salvaged historical fabric in the new jetty for interpretation purposes, and potential distribution to the community of any surplus material.

·     The Shire agrees to the Port of Esperance resurvey that will remove the jetty easement from the port’s gazetted boundary. This will remove Southern Ports as the responsible entity over the land and owner of the replacement jetty.

·     The Shire requests a Management Order over the jetty seabed. This will resolve the land tenure and responsibility of the replacement jetty and give ownership of the new structure to the Shire.  The proposed management order will extend out to cover the existing dive trail.

·     The Shire enters into a jetty licence for the new structure as required by State Government legislation.


Since the meeting with various State Departments and Agencies advice has been received indicating there are no barriers (legal or other) preventing Council from agreeing to the above requirements, see confidential attachment B.


As there are numerous steps, negotiations, licences and agreements that are required to progress the construction of the new jetty, it is recommended Council resolve to delegate to the CEO the steps that are outlined in the letter from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage to enable this process to be undertaken smoothly. This delegation should be subject to the Shire receiving a Section 64 permit from the Minister of Heritage and that there is no material impact to the current project, design or project budget ($7.5m).



Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

State Heritage Services

Southern Ports

Department of Transport

H+H Architects


Financial Implications

The financial implications arising from this report are minimal, with small costs for legal fees able to be covered in existing budgets.


Asset Management Implications

There are no direct asset management implications included in the process that have not already been accounted for. Resolving the land tenure and ownership of the replacement jetty will make it clear where any future responsibility lies.


Statutory Implications

Section 64 of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 enables the Minister for Heritage to grant a permit for work to be undertaken to a registered heritage site that is covered by a Conservation Order.


Policy Implications




Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Built Environment

Sustainable, high quality assets which meet the needs of the community

Maintain the Shire’s robust asset management practices and maintenance programs


Corporate Business Plan 2018/2019 – 2021/2022

B2.1 Plan for and Seek funding for Esperance Waterfront Stage 3 – New Esperance Jetty


Environmental Considerations





Correspondence - DPLH - Esperance Tanker Jetty - Next Steps



Legal Advice - Esperance Tanker Jetty - Confidential



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council:

1.   Agrees to and endorses the proposed necessary next steps for progressing the replacement of the Esperance Tanker Jetty, as outlined in the correspondence from the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage, dated 13 May 2019, subject to the Minister for Heritage issuing a Section 64 permit under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 by the 30 June 2019; and

2.   Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute the necessary licences, agreements, requests and other legal instruments necessary to enact the above point, subject to no material impact to the replacement jetty project, endorsed design or budget.

Voting Requirement                       Absolute Majority


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12.3   Corporate Resources

Item: 12.3.1  

Financial Services Report - April 2019


Beth O'Callaghan

Manager Financial Services


Shane Burge

Director Corporate Resources


File Ref: D19/10083





Financial Services Report - April 2019




Officer’s Recommendation

That the report entitled Monthly Financial Management Report (incorporating the Statement of Financial Activity) for the month of April 2019 as attached be received.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority




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Item: 12.3.2  

Lease - Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee


Sarah Walsh

Coordinator Corporate Support


Shane Burge

Director Corporate Resources


File Ref: D19/10367



Esperance Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee Incorporated



Portion of Lot 500 Black Street


Executive Summary

For Council to consider entering into a new lease with the Esperance Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee Incorporated for the Multi Sports building and lighting towers located at the Greater Sports Ground.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council agrees to enter into a new lease with the Esperance Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee Incorporated for the Multi Sports building and lighting towers located at the Greater Sports Ground.



Esperance Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee Incorporated (Committee) has a current lease over the premises which is due to expire 30 June 2019.


A request has been received from the Committee asking to renew the lease for a further 5 years.


This building is currently used by the Softball and Hockey associations with some casual usage by a local yoga instructor for classes and school groups who utilise the canteen facility while hiring the adjacent oval for sporting activities.


Officer’s Comment

This is a land only lease and the Committee is responsible for all maintenance and repairs to the building and lighting towers.


Vehicle access to the building is provided to Committee members via two vehicle access gates for which the Committee has keys.


The Shire maintains the oval grounds in line with other grassed areas at the Greater Sports Ground.


Following discussions with Shire Officers it has been determined that there are no concerns with this proposal being approved by Council other than including a clause to reinforce that access will only be through designated gates.



Manager Community and Economic Development

Club Development and Events Coordinator

Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee

Manager Strategic Planning and Land Projects


Financial Implications

Lease preparation fee of $125 Inc GST

Annual rent $110 Inc GST


Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications

Land Administration Act 1997 – s18 Crown land transactions that need Minister’s approval

Local Government Act 1995 – s3.58 Disposing of property

Local government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 – s30(2)(e) Dispositions of Property excluded from Act s3.58


Policy Implications

COR004: Building and Property Leases


Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Connection

A variety of accessible sport and recreation opportunities and activities

Develop and promote active and passive sport and recreation opportunities for all ages and abilities


Corporate Business Plan 2017/2018 – 2020/2021

Manager Shire leases and insurance


Environmental Considerations





Lease Request - Multi Sports Pavilion Committee



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council, subject to Department of Lands approval, agrees to;

1.   Lease portion of Lot 500 Black Street to Esperance Multi Sports Pavilion Management Committee Incorporated;

2.   Term of the lease being 5 years;

3.   Lease preparation fee of $125 Inc GST;

4.   Annual rent being $110 Inc GST; and

5.   Inclusion of a clause to reinforce that vehicle access to the oval and building must only be through official vehicle access gates.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


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Item: 12.3.3  

Reconciliation Action Plan


Sarah Walsh

Coordinator Corporate Support


Shane Burge

Director Corporate Resources


File Ref: D19/11019








Executive Summary

For Council to endorse the draft Reconciliation Action Plan.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council endorses the draft Reconciliation Action Plan.



A motion was put forward at the February 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting and Council resolved to commence formal discussions with relevant organisations and the Circle of Elders to achieve an outcome on aboriginal recognition and a reconciliation plan for the district.


In March 2019, a workshop was held with representatives from the Shire of Esperance, Tjaltjraak and local Nyungar Elders present to identify key community aspirations for reconciliation.


Officer’s Comment

A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has been drafted following the Circle of Elders workshop and discussions with Reconciliation Australia.


This RAP was created utilising the standard template provided by Reconciliation Australia and includes the aspirations provided from the workshop.


It was decided to invite feedback from the two registered Native Title Corporations for our Local Government area, being the Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (ETNTAC) and the Ngadju Native Title Corporation (NNTAC).


The development of a RAP Working Group will allow for community members to be involved in the implementation of this Reflect RAP and development of any subsequent RAPs.


Feedback received from ETNTAC has been reviewed and incorporated into the document where appropriate.


Following various attempts to contact NNTAC, no response has been received.



Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation

Ngadju Native Title Corporation

Circle of Elders

Reconciliation Australia

Executive Management Team


Financial Implications

The financial implications arising from this report will be determined by identifying resources required to implement the required Actions.


Asset Management Implications

Asset Management implications arising from this report will be determined by resources involved in implementing required Actions.


Statutory Implications

Local Government Act 1995


Policy Implications



Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Leadership

Support for all leadership roles in our community

Encourage shared responsibility through an informed and inspired community


Environmental Considerations

Any environmental considerations arising from this report will be identified when implementing required Actions.




Draft Reconciliation Action Plan



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council agrees to

1.   Endorse the draft Reconciliation Action Plan; and

2.   Submit the draft Reconciliation Action Plan to Reconciliation Australia for review and endorsement.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority




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28 May 2019                                                                                                                             Page 129


Item: 12.3.4  

Memorandum of Understanding - Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service - Running Track Training Facility


Sarah Walsh

Coordinator Corporate Support


Shane Burge

Director Corporate Resources


File Ref: D19/11153



Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service



Lot 955 Sims Street, Reserve 9677

Executive Summary

For Council to consider entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service for the Running Track Facility.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council agrees to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service for the Running Track Facility.



The Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service (Club) has been operating a fire and rescue training facility from the premises for many years. It was recently discovered that there is no formal agreement with the Club for this premises.

The Club has advised that the Esperance Football Club had provided support for them to be located on the Reserve in 1996.

The Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services Association of WA (Inc) were contacted in order to obtain a lease over the premises as the state body, however this request was declined due to the activity not being their core business and the state body having little to no control over the Esperance facility.


Officer’s Comment

The Club are not an incorporated body and as such, a formal lease agreement with the group is not appropriate and therefore a less formal agreement is recommended. The Memorandum of Understanding will not be a comprehensive document, however will identify each party’s responsibilities with regard to the facility.


The facility was built by and belongs to the Club, and the Club will remain responsible for all maintenance and repairs to the building and track.


Following discussion with the Community Emergency Services Coordinator and Acting Manager Community Support, it is recommended that the Shire continue to insure the building, however any contents insurance coverage will be the responsibility of the Club.



Community Emergency Services Coordinator

Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services

Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services Association of WA (Inc)

Director Corporate Resources

Acting Manager Community Support


Financial Implications



Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications

Local Government Act 1995


Policy Implications

COR 004: Building and property leases


Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Connection

Active and growing volunteers and community groups that facilitate and support activities, bringing the community together

encourage and support volunteers and community groups


Corporate Business Plan 2017/2018 – 2020/2021

Manage Shire leases and insurance


Environmental Considerations





Esperance Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service agreement to MOU



Correspondence from Volunteer Fire & Rescue Services WA (Inc)



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council, subject to Department of Lands approval, agrees to;

1.   Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Esperance Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services for portion of Lot 955 Sims Street, Reserve 9677; and

2.   The agreement being on a perpetual basis unless terminated upon mutual agreement between the parties.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


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Item: 12.3.5  

Schedule Fees and Charges 2019/2020


Beth O'Callaghan

Manager Financial Services


Shane Burge

Director Corporate Resources


File Ref: D19/11326



Corporate Resources





Executive Summary

To present the draft Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2019/2020 for consideration and inclusion within the 2019/2020 draft budget.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council endorse the attached Draft Schedule of Fees and Charges to be included within the 2019/2020 budget adoption.



Similar to previous years a draft copy of the fees and charges is presented to Council prior to draft budget day for review and consideration.


The fees and charges as presented are the current figures used to determine the draft 2019/2020 budget.  Fees and charges that are new or have been varied since the 2018/2019 budget have a diamond indicator for easy identification to the right of the fee.


Officer’s Comment

Some fees are set by regulatory bodies such as the Builders Registration Board; or by other regulations and acts.  The Schedule of Fees and Charges document contains a column named Statutory Fee Indicator.  This identifies if the fee is set by a regulatory body.


A Pricing Policy has been included at the front of the Schedule of Fees and Charges.  It outlines the Pricing Principles used as a guide to determine the fees and charges each year.


Broadly the fees have increased by 3% in line with the Long Term Financial Plan.


It is proposed that the fees will be adopted formally by Council and come into force with the adoption of the budget.  An endorsement of the fees prior to the budget adoption will allow staff to inform people or organisations who may be effected by any changes prior to their implementation.  Bay of Isles Leisure Centre fees will be effective from 1 September as this allows the Centre time to inform members, change brochures and direct debit set-ups.


There was a workshop with Council during May to go through the proposed changes.


As per Council Resolution O0419-052 Waste Collection charges for 140, 240 and 360 litre bins have reduced by $5-10 annually.  This is due to savings in new contract for waste collection services recently accepted by Council.


Internal consultation with each Department was undertaken in relation to this item.


Financial Implications

Within the 2018/19 budget, fees and charges constituted $9.3m or 24% of the Shire’s operating revenue for the year.


Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications

Section 6.16 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides authority for local governments to impose fees and charges when adopting the annual budget.


Fees and charges may be adopted outside of the annual budget but these require prior public advertising before implementation.


Policy Implications



Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Leadership

A financially sustainable and supportive organisation achieving operational excellence


Corporate Business Plan 2017/2018 – 2020/2021

Provide responsible resource and planning management for now and the future


Environmental Considerations





Schedule of Fees and Charges 2019/2020



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council endorse the attached Draft Schedule of Fees and Charges to be included within the 2019/2020 budget adoption.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority



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Item: 12.3.6  

Notice of Intention to Impose Differential Rates for the 2019/20 Financial Year


Shane Burge

Director Corporate Resources


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


File Ref: D19/11385






Shire of Esperance


Executive Summary

For Council to consider advertising proposed differential rates in preparation for the adoption of the 2019/2020 budget.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council endorse the differential rates as proposed for the 2019/2020 budget along with the objects and reasons, seek public submission and Ministerial approval for those rates that are more than twice the lowest differential rate.  



In preparation for the implementation of the 2019/20 Budget Council must determine the rates and the minimum rates for differential rating categories that are proposed to be used in the following budget.

There is a requirement under Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995 that if the Shire is intending on implementing a differential rate that it gives local public notice of its intention to do so. Once endorsed the differential rates must be advertised for a period of a minimum of 21 days providing for public submissions.

A number of workshops were held with Council during April and May in regards to proposed rates for the 2019/20 financial year whilst discussing the Long Term Financial Plan.  During the review of the Long Term Financial Plan it became apparent that a significant amount more money needs to be spent on transport infrastructure to maintain a reasonable and sustainable level of service. Rates increases would be used as one of the tools to assist in closing the asset management gap and ensuring the Shire of Esperance remains sustainable into the future.

The review or the long term financial plan has an objective of closing the asset management gap over an approximate 5 year period and increasing rates to be spent predominantly on rural road renewal works.   


Officer’s Comment

The Local Government Act allows for differential rates to be applied to overcome issues where the land use within the rating category is completely different and therefore valuations are significantly different. To ensure equity with the rating system it is proposed to again propose a differential rate for those properties used predominantly for mining purposes within the UV category.

The current rating structure also has a differential rate within the GRV category on those properties that are used predominantly for commercial/industrial purposes that is 2% higher than the uniform GRV rate in the dollar. It is proposed that this differential rate for the 2019/20 year be removed and have a uniform rate in the dollar for all GRV properties.   

Valuations are reviewed by the Valuer General and have different valuation periods for the two different rating categories. UV properties are re-valued every year and properties within the GRV category are re-valued every 3-5 year.

2019 is a valuation year for GRV properties and as can be seen as per the advice from the Valuer General (see attached) that there has been an overall 1.08% valuation increase in GRV values since last revaluation in 2014. The % change however in some of the rating classifications are significant with industrial properties increasing in value by an average 20.32% and vacant land decreasing on average by -8.4%. Due to the revaluation there will be large variations in rates payable for some properties.

There is a wide variation in valuations for GRV properties. In extreme cases some properties have increased by as much as 80% whereas others have decreased by nearly 150%. As the Shire determines a single “rate in the dollar” these fluctuations in valuation cannot be overcome. It is therefore advisable for ratepayers to challenge their valuation with the Valuer General if they believe their property valuation has been incorrectly applied. 

Although it is proposed to only increase the GRV rate in the dollar by 1.6% due to the revaluation, this will yield the Shire a 3.3% increase in the GRV category.    

The Long Term Financial Plan has determined that the rates yield required to ensure a balanced budget whilst allocating additional money towards asset renewal requires an increase in yield of approximately 3.75%.

UV rates have been revalued and the assessment from the Valuer General (see attached) is that valuations have increased on average by 14.45%. To ensure the valuation increase is factored into the proposed “rate in the dollar”, the yield increase is proposed at 3.75% for the UV category but the “rate in the dollar” has decreased down to 0.7702 cents in the dollar. 

The overall increase is recommended at 3.65% and is generally in line with the draft long term plan to ensure some stability for rate increases.

Gross Rental Valuation Category

Due to the revaluation it is proposed that the rate yield in the uniform GRV category be increased by 3.3%. It is proposed to remove the differential rate on the commercial/industrial category that was previously 2% higher than the uniform GRV rate in recognition of large valuation increases in the commercial/industrial category and to realign the rate in the dollar to create a uniform GRV category.  

Unimproved Category

It is proposed that the UV category also be increased by 3.75% (taking into account the valuation increase) and it is again proposed that a differential rate be retained within the mining category to raise additional revenue to fund the additional impacts to the Shire. The reason that it is rated higher is to reflect the higher road infrastructure maintenance costs to the Council as a result of frequent heavy vehicle use over extensive lengths of the Shire road network.



No community consultation has been undertaken in relation to this report. Statutory consultation is required by Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995 if the recommendation is adopted. The proposed differential rate will also need be referred to the Department of Local Government for ratification by the Minister. 


Financial Implications

It is estimated that the proposed rates will yield an amount of $21,309,706 after taking into account concessions provided on properties within Development Area 3 and Israelite Bay an estimated $34,730 in interim rates.


Asset Management Implications

The additional income that is proposed to be yielded from the rates increase that is over and above the normal operational and capital allocations is proposed to be spent on the rural road network and assisting in closing the asset management gap within this area.


Statutory Implications

Section 6.33,6.35 and 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995.


Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027

L2      Provide responsible resource and planning management for now and the future




Rates Model



Objects and Reasons for Differential Rates



UV Valuation Summary



GRV Valuation Summary




Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

1.    Endorse the following differential rates across all categories to form the basis of proposed rate setting for the 2019/2020 budget.

Differential Rate Category

Cents in the Dollar

Minimum Rate

GRV Residential



GRV Commercial/Industrial



GRV Vacant



UV Commercial/Industrial



UV Rural



UV Mining



2.    Adopt the objects and reasons for each of the proposed differential rates and minimum payments (as attached).

3.    Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to advertise the differential rate and call for submissions in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, Section 6.36 for a minimum of 21 days.   

4.    Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to seek Ministerial approval under Section 6.33 of the Local Government Act 1995 to impose differential rates for those rates that are more than twice the lowest differential rate.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


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12.4   Executive Services

Item: 12.4.1  

WALGA Annual General Meeting and WA Local Government Convention 2019


Helen  Hall

Executive Assistant


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


File Ref: D19/5800



Executive Services





Executive Summary

For Council to nominate two (2) Council voting delegates for the 2019 WALGA Annual General Meeting, to be held in Perth on Wednesday 7 August 2019, as part of the 2019 Annual Local Government Convention.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council nominate Councillors __________________________ as the Shire’s Voting Delegates for the WALGA Annual General Meeting to be held in Perth on 7 August 2019.  Councillor/s__________________________________________________ and the CEO will attend the 2019 Western Australian Local Government Convention held in Perth on 8 and 9 August 2019.




The 2019 WA Local Government Convention & Trade Exhibition (Local Government Week) will be held Wednesday, 7 August – Friday 9 August 2019 at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre (PCEC).

As per previous Local Government Weeks, WALGA will hold its Annual General Meeting, to discuss and consider local government industry issues.  Each member Council of WALGA has the ability to elect two (2) voting delegates to participate at the WALGA Annual General Meeting (non-voting delegates are also able and encouraged to attend).


Officer’s Comment

Attendance at the annual WA Local Government Convention is open to all Councillors. Registration fees, travel and accommodation expenses will be paid by Council in advance for any Elected Member(s) choosing to attend the WA Local Government Convention. This year the convention theme is “Renewal Practical”.  Convention information & registration pamphlets have been distributed to all Councillors.   


As a member of WALGA, it is important that Council also attend WALGA’s Annual General Meeting, requiring the election of voting delegates by Council.


The theme for the 2019 WA Local Government Convention is  Local Government: Renewal Practical.

Integral to the theme is the development of the New Local Government Act – new legislation for Local Government that will enable the sector to reach its full potential and deal with the vast and diverse range of needs and aspirations of our communities. It is the driver for one of the most extensive consultation processes ever undertaken by the State Government with the sector. It has the potential to result in game-changing outcomes that will shift the focus and actions of Local Governments for decades to come, and whilst this is the potential for the legislation, this conference is about more than just the Act and its supporting regime of regulations and guidelines. 


Financial Implications

The costs associated for this conference can be accommodated within 2019/20 budget: Members of

Council Travel, Accommodation and Conference expenses. Anticipated costs are approximately $3,625 per delegate comprising registration of $1,475; airfares in the vicinity of $500 and accommodation of approximately $1000 per delegate plus meals and other miscellaneous expenses.


Policy Implications

Council Policy EXEC-007: Elected Member Entitlements

Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2012-2022

Civic Leadership

4.5 Be innovative in the management of the Shire operations, services, staff and resources to create a resilient and financially stable Shire. 




Notice of Annual General Meeting -  WALGA



Local Government Week - Convention - Renewal Practical - 2019




Officer’s Recommendation

1.   That Council nominate Councillors _____________ and ________________ as the Shire’s Voting Delegates for the WALGA Annual General Meeting to be held in Perth on 7 August 2019.


2.   That Councillor/s_________________________________________________ and the CEO to attend the 2019 Western Australian Local Government Convention held in Perth on 8 and 9 August 2019.


Voting Requirement                         Simple Majority  


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Item: 12.4.2  

Information Bulletin - April 2019


Alli McArthur

Administration Officer - Executive Services


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


File Ref: D19/9784





Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Leadership

Work together to enhance trust participation and community pride

Actively engage and communicate with the community to ensure informed decision-making




Information Bulletin - April 2019



Register - Delegations Discharge - Corporate Resources



Corporate Performance Report - April 2019 - Under Separate Cover



Appreciation Letter - Department of Fire & Emergency Services - Esperance Airport



WALGA - Quarterly Report - Shire of Esperance - January-March 2019




Officer’s Recommendation

That Council accepts the Information Bulletin for April 2019 and;

1.  Register - Delegations Discharge - Corporate Resources

2.  Corporate Performance Report - April 2019

3.  Appreciation Letter - Department of Fire & Emergency Services - Esperance Airport

4.  WALGA - Quarterly Report - Shire of Esperance - January-March 2019

Voting Requirement    Simple Majority



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Item: 12.4.3  

Member Appointments - South Coast Management Group


Sarah Fitzgerald

Corporate Reporting & Governance Officer


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


File Ref: D19/11298



South Coast Management Group Inc. (SCMG)



Five Local Government Authority areas form the South Coast Management Group Inc. including the Shire of Esperance, Shire of Ravensthorpe, Shire of Jerramungup, City of Albany and Shire of Denmark.


Executive Summary

To appoint one (1) Community Member to the South Coast Mangement Group Inc. following the resignation of an Esperance Community Member.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council appoint one (1) Community Member for the Shire of Esperance to the South Coast Management Group Inc. and request the CEO write to the South Coast Management Group Inc. to advise them of the appointment.



The South Coast Management Group Inc. (SCMG) is an association whose membership comprises of five (5) Local Government Authorities being the Shire of Esperance, Shire of Ravensthorpe, Shire of Jerramungup, City of Albany and Shire of Denmark. Their vision is…

“…to bring together people, organizations and information, so that communities in the South Coast Region are able to work in partnership, to improve the quality of the coastal and marine environment, resulting in environmental, social and economic sustainability.”

The SCMG must meet a minimum of four (4) times per year, however they usually meet five (5) times, once within each Local Government Area. As per the South Coast Mangement Group Inc Rules, (Attachment D) each participating Local Government must provide the following members, the Chief Executive Officer (or their proxy), two (2) Elected Members and two (2) Community Members, which are appointed by the Local Government. All positions are for a two (2) year term, to coincide with the Ordinary Local Government Elections.


Officer’s Comment

In January a resignation was received from Sarah Belli, one of the Esperance Community Members on the South Coast Management Group. As a result, an Expression of Interest for one (1) of the Shire’s Community positions was advertised in the Esperance Express on Friday 12 April and 26 April 2019. The nomination period closed on 1 May 2019 with three (3) applications being received. All three (3) applicants have provided information relevant to their nomination for a position on the SCMG. The nominations are attached.

The usual term for the position is two years, in this instance the recommendation is that the position be valid until the 2019 Local Government Elections. At this time all local government committee positions are made vacant and reconvened after the new Council has been sworn in.




Financial Implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report as all costs associated with travel, accommodation and meals are covered by SCMG for Community Representatives.


Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications



Policy Implications



Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Natural Environment

A community that works together as custodians of a pristine environment

Maintain and improve condition of natural assets and reserves sustainably, taking into consideration recreational, environmental, cultural and economic values


Corporate Business Plan 2017/2018 – 2020/2021

L1.1   Represent and communicate community priorities at Federal, State, Regional and Local level


Environmental Considerations





Nomination - South Coast Managment Group - Evangeline Drabik



Nomination - South Coast Managment Group - Ken Mills



Nomination - South Coast Managment Group - Serena Shaddick



Rules - South Coast Management Group Inc.




Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

1.    Appoint _____________ as a Community Member for the Shire of Esperance on the South Coast Management Group Inc until the 2019 Local Government Election.

2.    Request the CEO write to the South Coast Management Group Inc. to advise them of the above appointments.

Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


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13.     Reports Of Committees

Item: 13.1  

Minutes of Committees


Alli McArthur

Administration Officer - Executive Services


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


File Ref: D19/10080







Esperance Roadwise Committee - 29 April 2019



Off Road Vehicle Working Party - 10 May 2019




Officer’s Recommendation

That Council receive the following unconfirmed committee minutes:

1. Esperance Roadwise Committee - 29 April 2019

2. Off Road Vehicle Working Party - 10 May 2019

Voting Requirement                     Simple Majority



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Item: 13.2  

Bush Fire Advisory Committee - Appointment of Bush Fire Control and Fire Weather Officers


Karen Naylor

Community Emergency Services Coordinator


Terry Sargent

Director External Services


File Ref: D19/10270



Bush Fire Advisory Committee



Shire of Esperance


Executive Summary

That Council endorse the appointment of Bush Fire Control and Fire Weather Officers for the 2019/20 fire season.


Recommendation in Brief

That Council authorise the following appointments in accordance with the Bush Fire Act 1954 as Bush Fire Control and Fire Weather Officers for the Shire of Esperance:


          Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                                              Ashley Stewart

          Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                                  Gavin Egan

          Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                                  Will Carmody

Senior Fire Control Officer – West Zone                                 Will Carmody

          Senior Fire Control Officer – West Coast Zone                       Kingsley Scott

          Senior Fire Control Officer – North Zone                                Rory Graham

          Senior Fire Control Officer – East Zone                                  Lyndon Mickel

          Senior Fire Control Officer – East Coast Zone                        Simon Fowler

          Senior Fire Control Officer – Urban Rural Zone                      Peter Rowe

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – West Zone                     Tomas Carmody

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – West Coast Zone           Peter Luberda

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – North Zone                    Chris Hallam

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – East Zone                      Phil Longmire

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – East Coast Zone            Adrian Perks

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – Urban Rural Zone          Ron Chambers



The Shire of Esperance provides a structure within the bush fire community in accordance with the Bush Fires Act 1954. The Bush Fire Advisory Committee appoints the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer, a Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer, a Senior Fire Control Officer and a Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer for each of the fire zones within the Shire. These positions were declared vacant at the April Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting and nominations were held.


Officer’s Comment

In 2008, Deputy roles were established to provide a mentoring capacity for Officers in the Seniors role to groom Deputies into the role and to provide a succession plan. At the June 2018 meeting on request from the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer a second Deputy Chief role was also established.


Each of these Officers has the training, experience and capacity to fulfill these leadership roles.



As nominated by the Bush Fire Advisory Committee.


The position of Senior Fire Control Officer – East Coast Zone, Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – West Coast Zone, Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer East Zone and Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer East Coast Zone were nominated at the April Meeting however as each of the nominated personnel were absent at the time of the meeting these positions filled subject to acceptance. The Community Emergency Services Officer contacted each of the nominated persons and has since received an email acceptance of their nomination.


Financial Implications



Asset Management Implications



Statutory Implications

Bush Fires Act 1954


Policy Implications



Strategic Implications

Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

Community Leadership

Support for all leadership roles in our community

Encourage shared responsibility through an informed and inspired community


Environmental Considerations





BFAC - Minutes of Meeting - 160419



BFAC - Pervious Minutes of Meeting




Officer’s Recommendation

That Council authorise the following appointments in accordance with the Bush Fires Act 1954 as Bush Fire Control and Fire Weather Officers for the Shire of Esperance:


          Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                                           Ashley Stewart

          Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                              Gavin Egan

          Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer                              Will Carmody

Senior Fire Control Officer – West Zone                             Will Carmody

          Senior Fire Control Officer – West Coast Zone                  Kingsley Scott

          Senior Fire Control Officer – North Zone                            Rory Graham

          Senior Fire Control Officer – East Zone                              Lyndon Mickel

          Senior Fire Control Officer – East Coast Zone                   Simon Fowler

          Senior Fire Control Officer – Urban Rural Zone                 Peter Rowe

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – West Zone                Tomas Carmody

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – West Coast Zone     Peter Luberda

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – North Zone               Chris Hallam

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – East Zone                 Phil Longmire

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – East Coast Zone      Adrian Perks

          Deputy Senior Fire Control Officer – Urban Rural Zone    Ron Chambers


Voting Requirement                       Simple Majority


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14.     Motions of which Notice has been Given










Officer’s Comment:

It is recommended that the meeting is behind closed doors for the following items, in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995.


Item: 17.1  

0200-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Wild Dog Control

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).



Item: 17.2  

0199-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Professional Services

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).



Item: 17.3  

0198-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Traffic Management

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).



Item: 17.4  

0197-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Parks & Reserves Management

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).


Item: 17.5  

0196-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Workshop Services

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).



Item: 17.6  

0195-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Building Services

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).



Item: 17.7  

0194-19 Prequalified Supplier Panel - Plant Hire

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).



Item: 17.8  

0205-19 Design & Construct Quarry Road Urban Rural Bush Fire Brigade Facility

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).



Item: 17.9  

0206-19 Supply, Installation & Repair Tyres

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).



Item: 17.10  

Expression of Interest 0173-19 Esperance Seafront Caravan Park

Confidential Item

This report is considered confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, as it relates to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting (Section 5.23(2)(c)).




19.     CLOSURE